I dunno about you all, but doesn't it seem strange to you that these two prominent Athiest are constantly scapegoating for Isreal?

Personally I can fully support an incursion into Palestinian following Oct 7th. But the blatent indescrement bombing and leveling entire neighborhoods, casualties of the general population, and other seeming war crimes against the Palestinian people is complete bullshit...

The history is true that Isreal has really fucked the state of Palestinian for decades and the Palestinians have had to deal with it for too long... Hamas as an organization and leadership in Palestinian has really fucked the Palestinian people as well with their corruption, rhetoric, and stance towards Isreal and the Israeli people... IMO...

Either way... Isreal has literally pronounced itself as a Jewish country... Which I think is problematic for a number of reasons... So why do these two "Atheist" go so hard for Isreal... I get their heritage is coming from a Jewish people... But wtf... Their supposed atheism seems counter to their blind faith in the approach Isreal is taking in this conflict... It's getting to be so constant in their rhetoric that it's hard to belive their in such a bubble they can't see what a gaping blindspot this is for their self-proclaimed liberal ideals...

I don't agree with any public figure 100%, but this issue seems to have been really lightning how everyone has a blindspot to their own BS and makes me question more and more of their other takes for sure...