Basically title.

Unique situation from what I’m getting as feedback:

  1. Moving to the city from NY so I only get to see places once a week when I drive down / have my realtor do a showing
  2. I am a landlord in NY for my triplex, so I understand the pet hesitations etc. I personally redid majority of the apts I had after a nightmare COVID tenant. I take care of my home.
  3. I have a greyhound and a cat. The greyhound sleeps 23 hours a day. I can film a Timelapse of 24 hours as proof. The cat is fixed and doesn’t mark or scratch etc. we’ve lived with both in my hardwood home and the refinished floors don’t show. We regularly cut nails and the cat has nail caps.
  4. We’d love to be in a place for 2+ years, and we have time to search. We can sign between July 1st and October essentially
  5. My soon to be wife works for FEMA and I own my own business not including the rentals.

What we (fiancé and I) are looking for:

  1. 1000sqft+
  2. 2bd 1.5+ ba
  3. Budget: $2200 is our max
  4. A very walkable neighborhood with things to do. My wife runs 3+ miles a day, I need shops cafes restaurants walking distance to stay sane while working remote.
  5. Would love if wife could walk to work 615 Chestnut in center city. We’ve not really considered Nolibs or Fishtown for this reason

I know it’s a tall order but that’s why I’m posting. Sometimes putting it out there works.