I had a friend from San Juan, and there was one time na I stayed over and it was during the fiesta.

People were nice.

Like, if they were wearing proper attire, padadaanin siya, and everyone would go on about their day. There was respect.

I enjoyed the fiesta because my friend and I were just outside having a water fight with other kids, tapos kapag may nabasang ibang people, we (along with their parents/idk guardians) would say sorry.

Now, people are getting laptops wet, ruining interviews, STOPPING jeepneys?

Where is this wildness coming from? It's supposed to be a fun fiesta wherein people would have RESPECT sa lives of others.

I really pity those na nadamay, nawalan ng opportunities, basically everyone na naagrabyado ng mga peasants na kung umakto ay parang hindi naturuan ng proper manners.

When we were kids, that fiesta was a day to have fun.

Now, it's just an excuse for other people to cause harm to others thinking there's no consequence.