
r/PassNclex21.5K subscribers5 active
Changes on PVTGUIDE

Dear fellow graduate nurses,

Based on your experience, it seems that Pearson VUE has modified the payment process, and now every card payment will lead to your bank's website for confirmation, regardless of whether you have passed or not. To receive a "good" pop-up, it is crucial to provide the correct credit card information.

Here is my experience that might be helpful:

I passed my examination at 85 questions. Tried PVT with correct card info right after the test and got the "good" pop-up. In 9 hours I did the same thing again and the "good" pop-up was still there. The next morning I found out that I passed. However, each time I've tried the PTV with altered CVV or expiration date, Person VUE declined processing the card.

Please continue to share any further insights and discoveries to help each other adapt to these changes and avoid excessive stress after the exam is finished.

Pinnedby xommus
Passed in 85PASSED

I graduated in the beginning of May, and didn't get my ATT until June. Took my test 07/03, and found out I passed the next day! I honestly didn't start seriously studying until I had like 3 weeks left. I used Bootcamp (only needed 2 months, but got a great deal on the 3 month plan), did all the readiness assessments + case studies and maybe 2/3 of the question bank. The questions were similar to the NCLEX, but give way more detail. I studied the rationales, and watched LevelUp RN on YouTube for maternity (my weakest area). I also listened to the first part of Mark klimeks lecture on prioritization. During the test I felt like I could get down many questions to 2 answers, and then make an educated guess from there. When it cut off, I felt like it could've gone either way, but in the end I passed! Seeing the experiences of others on this subreddit gave me confidence that I'd be ok, so I thought I'd add mine to the mix. Good luck future test takers, we're all gonna be great nurses!!

Scared to fail the NCLEX ADVICE

I haven't booked it yet but I have been using UWorld getting around 60s, and YouTube for content review... I still don't feel ready 😞

Passed in 85!PASSED

Hi everyone!

I’ve been lurking this page leading up to my exam and going in I had no idea what to expect but I passed in 85 questions and came out feeling pretty confident I had passed. I used UWorld and Mark K only. I started studying May 1 and took my NCLEX on July 3 at 8 am, so studied for about two months while working about 24-36 hours a week at my part time job. I finished the entire question bank for UWorld and only did the little lectures that it told me to do when it laid out my study plan, so probably not even half of them. In the week before my exam, I listened to all of the Mark K lectures while reading through some pre typed notes I had and made notes throughout. So excited to be done with nursing school, that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done! I’m really proud of myself :) I got my results in 24 hours (found out at 8 am July 4) in Ontario, Canada.

Good luck to anyone who is writing. It is not as bad as people make it out to be. Managing my test anxiety was the biggest thing for me and I still felt like I was going to have a stroke on test day, but you’ve got this! Kill it future RNs!

Passed in 88!PASSED

After making a few anxiety-ridden posts on this subreddit trying to get through this exam, it feels SO good to say that I passed! I tested at 1PM on the 3rd and found out at 2PM today. I mainly used Bootcamp and ATI (which is what they had us use at my school). AMA!

second attempt tomorrow!ADVICE

I will be taking my second attempt tomorrow. Hope you all include me in your prayers! 🙏🏻🌸

I'm still studying until today, and I feel like I still don't know a lot of stuff 😭. Wish me luck! I hope I'll pass it this time 🤞🏻

I failed my NCLEX @ 150 Q’sADVICE

As the title says, I failed my NCLEX. I got all 150 questions and was hoping I could redeem myself, I guess I couldn’t. I got my quick results yesterday and I failed. I had such a bad feeling after because I didn’t feel great about answering the questions but a lot of people feel bad about their performance on the NCLEX and pass. I had a job lined up to start at the end of July but now I have to ask to move my start date and I have to tell my family that I didn’t pass, it’s all just a lot. I used archer and got a 8 streak high, very high on my readiness exams and listened to the Mark K 12 lecture. I’m just so lost because I don’t know where I went wrong. I’m heartbroken and I’ve been crying nonstop since yesterday when I found out. Should I continue with archer or should I switch to U world? Honestly, I don’t know what to do. Please help me.

Mark Klimek's Prioritization LectureQUESTION

Mark says that the brain is higher priority than the lungs....So if you have a patient who is choking vs a patient with increased would first see the ICP patient?

This doesn't make sense to me....Has anyone actually used this strategy on the NCLEX and been successful?

Also, Mark states to ignore age and gender when prioritizing care, but I have done questions on Kaplan where a baby who is dehydrated takes precedent over an adult who is dehydrated. Is this a solid strategy to apply on NCLEX?


i’ve heard that the NCLEX is very vague. how similar are Archer’s questions to the NCLEX? do they reflect the same difficulty? is doing a ton of Archer questions going to prepare me well?

"NCLEX Pass/Fail Tricks" Do NOT workGUIDE

Hey everyone. I am just letting those who are absolutely frightened like I was that I failed because I wasn't getting the "make an appointment" or "check your nursing board" tricks to work. NONE of them worked, and I got the quick results for $7 and found out I passed.

Don't have an actual heart attack like I did because none of the "tricks" seemed to work. It's all bull!

Hope you all pass!

Passed in 85 with Archer, Mark K, and nsfwADVICE

And the fact that I took time with my bf the night before to ensure I was extra relaxed.

I didn’t study as much as I should have. 2 hours a day tops, but I did at least 20 q’s a day and listened to all Mark K’s lectures. I have severe anxiety at times, so the fact that I could even study at all was amazing.

My school also had crazy q’s on all their exams so this probably made the NCLEX easier by comparison, but I really think the key was that I took time to cram 2 days of relaxation into 6 hours the night before. Yes, that kind of relaxation 😜. I woke up super chill on my test day and took time to doodle on my erasable whiteboard during testing when I started getting stressed. Doodling can relax you as well. I drew a little garden on the bottom of that whiteboard. I finished in 2 hours and I had taken a 15 min break in that time as well.

My exam was general knowledge from all different areas of nursing. No one subject in particular.

Definitely review the Prioritization lecture if nothing else! I had a lot of those q’s.

Passed without buying anything PASSED

Hi guys! Just found out this morning I am officially an RN. I took my nclex on wednesday at 8 and got my results this morning at 9. I passed in 85 questions without using archer or uworld and I was thinking there’s probably other students who can’t dish out 100-$200 for that!! so this is how i did it. - ATI- if your school gave you ATI access this is the holy grail for practice questions. I would do the practice exam for one topic- ex. pedi, then write down the answer/rationale for every question, and then do deeper reviews of terms and meds i didn’t remember. i hand wrote all of this to help. I would do 1 2-5 hour day of this one topic and then move on to the next. if you don’t have ATI look online for practice questions! there are free websites and studocu has a ton of exams that you can view for free - SIMPLE. NURSING. no i didn’t watch a single video. i don’t have the attention span for that. i pretty much would google “simple nursing- followed by a med or condition” and used their template and info to make my own notes. if you don’t even know where to start- try NCLEX high yield on quizlet to help you focus ur studying, or look up most common CHF meds on nclex, most common psych disorders… so on. - google is seriously your friend. google images gave me so many study guides and links to study guides, just make sure ur using like reputable websites - HANDWRITE!!!! it helped me remember so much. and i brought my notebook with me in the morning to flip through and it made me feel better

in totally i did like 3 focused weeks of studying- weekends off, with about 2-5 hours a day. when it shut off at 85 i felt so good and then i went home and felt like shit. the overthinking is real but YOU GOT THIS!!!


I took my nclex on 7/3/24. Computer shut me off in 85 questions. I had six full case studies and 4 standalone NGN questions. It was not a hard exam. I had no pharm or delegation or dosage calc questions. I thought I failed cause the questions never. Really became hard, just a little tricky, but I passed. I used archer and Kaplan and the NCLEX questions were more similar to Kaplan.

Hurst ReviewQUESTION

What were your thoughts? Did it help you pass?

Still waiting on resultsQUESTION

Took the NCLEX-RN last 4th of July, still waiting for the result 🥲 Im so nervous!

Shut off at 85 questions so I was really happy but Im not too confident now that Im waiting. Im thinking of all the worst possible result lol

My review is Archer. Got 12 VH and 7 Pass on CAT in 1 month.

Varying Quick ResultsQUESTION

Does anyone know why quick results vary? My friend got hers in a little over 24 hours. It's been 49 hours since my scheduled test time and i'm still waiting. Does it have to do with our last names? Our score? I'm very curious to know.

Finished at 85 Q's. PASSED.PASSED

This was my second attempt after failing at 150 the first time around. I took my second exam on 7/3 at 1. Checked the TBON tonight at 11 pm and found my license is now active! Used all of Bootcamp along with Mark K lectures/notes. God is good!

kaplan and uworld resultsADVICE

I have my nclex in 3 days and I'm starting to freak out. I took my Kaplan readiness exam and got a 67% which according to the chart means I have about a 98% chance of passing the nclex. For my CAT exams on kaplan I got above passing standard. But then I've been doing horribly on the UWorld readiness assessments. The first one I got borderline chance of passing at 64%, the second one I got borderline at 68% and the third one borderline at 65%. I've been scoring between 65-75 on my CAT exams on Uworld. I'm really discouraged and worried about the exam now. Overall I have a 68% in the uworld test bank and I have used 52% of it so far. Has anyone had a similar experience? And does anyone have any advice? I've been studying for weeks on this and now I'm really concerned.

Has anyone used mastery NCLEX PN?ADVICE

I’m using Kaplan and an app called mastery NCLEX PN and was wondering if anyone had success with the app? I’ve been studying since I got out of school 6/15 and take my test on 7/15.

I scored relatively high in school except for 2 tests and feel somewhat confident. But I’m also terrified lol

I would appreciate any other recommendations

Passed in 85PASSED

Hey you guys, I graduated 5/15 and passed on my first attempt on 7/1 with 85 questions and I wanted to tell my story! I was never good in school (B/C average student) and I was an even worse test taker. I scraped by in school and I was VERY hesitant to take the NCLEX right after school regardless of the advice given by everyone that it is best to take it right after you’re done. I was also VERY bad at studying and I would procrastinate to the extreme.

I attended a Hurst Review live webinar during my last week of nursing school and filled out their notes but I don’t really think that helped me much. It seemed like a very surface level review and their questions were far too hard. I got UWorld right after school and would hardly do any questions, maybe 20-30 questions and some days I wouldn’t even do any questions. The week before my exam, is when I started REALLY stepping up my studying. I did a 1 self assessment on Uworld at the start of the week and got a Low Chance of passing. I did at least 1 CAT exam a day which usually said I was On-Track and my scores were usually around the 60s. Also, I only finished 34% of the QBank and my performance was below the national average. I ended up listening to the Mark K lectures starting with lecture 12 then went back and listen to the rest of the lectures. I did not write any notes I just followed along with the online notes. I got through the all the lectures in 4 days.

With a 3 days left to go I purchased Archer and did 3 of their assessments and I got 2 borderline exams and my last exam I took on Saturday showed I had a Very High Chance of passing. Archer recommended to have 3-4 high or very high chances before taking the exam but I knew that if I took another exam I would be way too nervous if I failed an assessment so I decided to end my Saturday on a high note. I was told not to study the day before my exam so I relaxed all Sunday, the day before my exam.

My anxiety was through the roof on the day of my exam. I felt like I was going to puke in the morning and my stomach was just churning. I took my exam at 1PM so I listened to the Beautiful Nursing review on YouTube in the morning while I was getting ready and I listened to the Mark K lecture 12 one more time before to get my brain going. When I was taking the exam, it felt like the nerves were finally dying down because the exam looked and felt JUST like my reviews from UWorld and Archer. It shut off at 85 and I did not feel good but when I got home I got my email and I tried the PVT and got the good pop up. It wasn’t really time for me to celebrate because some of my classmates said it’s not accurate anymore. So I waited my two days and finally found out that I passed!

Moral of the story is that YOU CAN DO IT! This is coming from a certified procrastinator, C’s get degrees student, and low chance of passing assessment taker, it is possible! There will be a ton of questions that you don’t know but remember that safety comes first.

Do you guys recommend boot for studying? Or would archer and mark k be enough? ADVICE

I listened to all mark k lectures except for 12 since I’m saving it for the day before. I have archer and have gotten 4 lows and 1 borderline and now a high last night. I have my NCLEX Tuesday. I am so stressed and don’t know if I should spend money on but I’ve already spent so much money. Any advice or any way to get boot camp cheaper/ videos from it on YouTube? Or is anyone done with theirs and could let me borrow? For these next few days? Thanks guys!


Hey everyone,

I recently passed the NCLEX-RN and I wanted to give back to the community in a creative way. During my studying I found most resources boring (I know for some people it doesn't matter) and I wished there was something fun and interactive. I have been working on a prototype for a bit now using resources online. The premise of the game is super simple... a fun question bank with an integrated 90+ page study guide (all the content you basically MUST know for the NCLEX). In addition, coming from a family and upbringing with barely any money, I was shocked to see such expensive platforms. Even the "cost-friendly" services were quite shocking (I would assume more nurses would help other aspiring nurses out considering it costs money for nursing school and Pearson exams). I mean nurses aren't exactly starving... and they do make quite a bit of money... not really sure what's up with all the greed.

Anyways, for the program, you answer these questions and any weak areas you notice (levels that are impossible to complete), you do a refresher on the attached study guide (letter 'V' on the user main menu). Then, once you've studied that for a bit, you test your knowledge again until you get the questions correct.

So far it's in the beta stages and I plan on working on it more if people are interested. It will be free of cost because I don't really care for your money. I care more about tackling this nursing shortage we have. The more people I can help with my program, the better.

In the item shop, you'll notice an option to purchase the Telegram Chat (in-game currency)... over there I post more resources (privacy and security purposes).

The link I have provided is the video. Feel free to check it out... Let me know what you'd like to see, etc.

The link also expires in 2 days but I will periodically update it, if need be. Anyways, good luck to you all. You ALL will pass and make GREAT nurses. Trust me.

Criminal check with vulnerable sectorADVICE


I am writing from Canada.. I am looking for a site to apply for the criminal check with vulnerable sectors.. can someone help me???
