My bf is in his teen year almost a college student hes now telling me about this entity that has been with him since he moved houses in 2015 he explains it to look like a pitch black. Darker then a black room black mist with orange oozing from it. It has always been non vocal but always letting off a high pitched noise. When he told me about it it appeared with a god awful ringing (i could hear it through the phone but then it stopped but not for him) Today when he told me about it he stated that it was breathing/growling in his ear and saying complete gibberish (first time its ever happen). It has even taken human form today (it took a while he told me how it tried to morph then stop then it finally got into a form copying his face and his friends. The spirit can not really move it just appears and stays then goes to another spot near him and stays then goes away in about a hour or two. My boyfriend told me it has a negative aura to it and has tried insencing it away and telling it that it doesnt belong (his family is very spiritual but he refuses to seek help from them)

Any idea on what to do its really fucking with him and i think it is causing his horrible nightmares which is actually keeping him up and fucking his whole day.