My partner and I have been planning on hiking Spectacle Lake on Memorial Day weekend for months, but a recent review of Pete Lake, which is where we would start from, makes me worry there will be too much snow. I know we can handle some snow, but don't want to add any time getting to the trailhead or need any extra equipment like snowshoes (we do have microspikes).

We are fairly new to the PNW and brand new to backpacking, so figuring out which trails are accessible and don't require hard-to-get permits feels a little overwhelming at the moment. Buy I REALLY want to take advantage of my 3-day weekend and wake up somewhere magical!

For those who have more experience in the area, would Spectacle Lake be doable? If not, what other hikes would you recommend that are in the 20 mile or under range? We're based out of Portland and are willing to drive 3-4 hours, maybe even a little longer for the right hike.