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Season One general spoilers do not need to be tagged. Major spoilers— the Leather Face reveal or Rapist reveal— must be tagged. Finale spoilers should be tagged, then flaired according to what is being discussed. With nothing in the title.

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Once the finale comes we'll do a reminder of these again

Pinnedby idk_orknowModeratori'm a mod but i'm scared of the show
EPISODE DISCUSSION | Chapter Eighteen: Final Exam | 2x08Official Episode Discussion Hub

Hey LiArs and Sinners, it's final exams week!

This is the official episode discussion post the last episode of Pretty Little Liars; Summer School. Spoilers do not need to be tagged in this thread. Anything said in this episode is free range. Future spoilers based of leaks and promos must be censored.

This week we will have three additional bonus threads...

A / Bloody Rose Reveal | Finale Discussion

Rosewood Relations | Finale Discussion

S3 Theories | Predictions Thread



Season Two Episode Eight- Chapter Eighteen: Final Exam

Synopsis- The PLLs take a final stab at their list of suspects, and through a harrowing night will discover the identity of Bloody Rose Waters once and for all.


This is the officially the end of the seasons, eight episodes is wayyy too short so let's all make sure we stream the heck out of the finale to ensure we get a season three! Thank you for everyone who's been here every week showing your support and sharing you theories. I absolutely love moderating this sub and greatly appreciate your guy's patience with me and the rest of the team while approving your posts.

Official Discussion Mega Thread | IMDb

And don't forget to join our discord, here!

Pinnedby idk_orknowModeratori'm a mod but i'm scared of the show
Looking for similar slasher showsQuestion ❕

Can ya'll recommend similar tv shows like this one, preferably in the slasher genre? That's all I'm honestly looking for but it would be a bonus if there are good characters and there's a whodunit element to it. Doesn't necessarily have to be a teen drama.

I already watched the OG PLL, Scream Queens and Scream: The TV Series. I just need something to watch while we wait for a S3 announcement lol.

by Cravity_pancakesTeen Tragedy of the week
Grandma Lola Show Discussion

I saw grandma Lola in my I know what you did last summer show rewatch. Completely forgot she was in there?

Any fans of that show? I grew up on the movies but still thought the show was fun. I wish PLL would take a few cues with the mystery aspect because i know what you did last summer did a good job of having secrets but also being horror. I also felt the relationships were well developed for the short 8 episodes and got a lot of character background. I love this new version of PLL but when I rewatch shows like this and scream I see we are missing those aspects big time.

Possible lies for the liars in S3Theories/Speculation

What lies do you think/want the liars to have?

Imogen’s mean girl past + potentialCharacter Discussion

This season really made Imogen’s personality come to light, that scene where she calls Dr. Sullivan’s office and pretends she’s basically having a breakdown and then confronts her about potentially being BR was quite amazing, even the other girls were shook at her ability to pretend (also huge props to Bailee for portraying her so well!!). I feel like this really brings up how she was probably NOT a goody two shoes in the past, like, am I the only one that gets BIG mean girl vibes from her? Cause there is no way she was Karen’s BFF without at least being kind of a bitch, I feel like bringing this mean girl thing back for her (as in someone acknowledging and saying it to her) would do wonders for her character, sometimes it feels like they want to make her seem like a saint but I just feel like that part of her personality has so much potential to be explored on the show. Like ANYTHING that brings back that potential attitude wether it’s to make her spiral more or to make her have a bit of a redemption/consecuences of past actions act. I wanna know how everyone feels about her potential mean girl past.

How did Johnny survive?Show Discussion

I mean he spent like a whole night in the freezer. Many people died way earlier in similar circumstances. Also how was he fully dressed? I know that once hypothermia kicks in you feel really hot and you are getting undressed - it happens all the time. I don't think there is valid explanation on how a guy might survive through that.

Is there going to be a season 3? Thoughts? Show Discussion

What are we thinking about a season 3? Will it happen? What would the plot be? Would there be any original liars brought in? I love these new characters and vibe of the show and don’t want it to end!

If Johnny and Imogen don't get back together I won't careShow Discussion

I personally think this ending was mature and realistic, I'd love if they become friends in season 3, but we can't forget Imogen probably TRAUMATIZED Johnny not only did she attack him and left him in freezer but she left him with DEAD BODIES he's probably gonna need so much therapy.

But that's just my opinion I'm curious to see what they're gonna do

Season 3….?Show Discussion

Where do you guys genuinely think that the writers are going to take season 3?

Do we think we’re going to continue to follow the Water’s storyline? Even though it’s being over used at this point.

Are we going to revisit the moms and their past at all? I’d personally love to. (Maybe they did something else in their past years AFTER the Angela event that sparks a new person seeking revenge from their past like an IMWYD season) and now the Liars have to figure it out to save their mothers lives this time around?

Lemme know what you think, or where you think the next season will go…?

Imogen🫠SpoilerS2 SPOILER ❕

How Imogen did not end up behind the bars after she knocked down that guy with whatever she did.

Bloody Rose doesnt make any sense !SpoilerCharacter Discussion

So we know who Bloody Rose is ...Chip's mother ,but why the f*ck she chased all the girls and killed so many innocent teens ???? Also,why she care,about Faran ,about Noa and her relationships and Mouse ? I understand that she wanted to revenge on Tabby and Imogen,thinking that Chip is innocent and they lying,but why the f*ck she was the Bloody Rose ? She killed Sandy in ep 2 and the two teens in the first ep,when they go to her hut ..... This was even worse than s1 and the principal ! Again irrelevant people being the main villains,who were supposed to be cool and scary !

Familial plot holes SpoilerS2 SPOILER ❕

Let me start by saying: I love the new PLL Season 2 (Summer School), I liked it better than S1 (Original Sin). I thought it had better pacing, storylines, chemistry, and better games than S1, which didn‘t really delve into until the finale with Principal Clanton and the trial involving their moms (though S1 was admittedly more shrouded in mystery than S2), which brings me to my next point:

The whole premise of the show is reluctant on not only their moms getting pregnant and having daughters at the exact same time, but us never meeting their dad except for Imogen’s, who amazingly has the same last name as her mom’s before they married (Davie’s high school yearbook also says Adams). It’s quite possible they all took on their dad’s surnames and we just never met their dads or their moms gave themselves back their maiden names, which is fine until you get to the fact that Sawyer was also an Adams before he met/married Davie. Or the fact that A and Angela were Archie and Angela Waters instead of Archie and Angela Clanton to keep the big finale plot twist a secret (that Clanton was their father who planned everything regarding they and their moms).

Which raises yet another point (that I’ve seen others raise): would it have been better off just being about the original Liars (of Millwood)? Have it be set right after the whole rave (in present day?) with A going after their moms (Davie and Co.) for revenge? It was they A (and secretly Clanton) wanted, after all, they (helped?) kill(ed) Angela, their daughters were totally innocent, not to mention it would’ve made the whole plot convenience of their daughters all being born during the same year and Davie having the same last name as her future husband in high school a non-factor.

the pll boys deserve justice SpoilerS2 SPOILER ❕

The did the boys dirty this most recent season. Let’s start with Shawn. We audience love to see more queer characters on PLL but the bi-cheating arc was so disappointing. The consequences of Noa’s actions were not addressed properly, and the writers tried so hard to make her seem like a victim. Shawn was dumped out of nowhere for another character that has no depth and manipulative. Shawn was there for Noa since Season 1 and all of a sudden, the writers decided to make him look so bad.

Next, we have Johnny. He and Imogen looked so perfect together in most of the episodes, but they didn’t give him enough credit for being so kind and understanding. Instead, Imogen just accepted what happened and their whole thing was not addressed or resolved. He almost died and the season ended without giving him a chance to be on the spotlight or whatever.

On the other hand, Ash’s screen time was reduced to the extent that we almost could only see him in scenes where spooky spaghetti is the main focus. I also forgot if he was even in the finale. Mouse treated him so bad; I want them to break up.

Hi I’m newQuestion ❕

I watched the first season ages ago has the season 2 come out? And if it has is it worth watching?

Halfway through the first season. Please tell me the moms get killed. I cannot stand these bitches. HahaQuestion ❕

Idc about spoilers. I just really hate these characters. They’re awful and not in a fun way.

My biggest gripe with the show is it doesn’t feel like Pretty Little Liars Show Discussion

Ok so I’m just getting around to watching Summer School now. I was a little nervous because the opinions about this season seem to be all over the place so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I’m on episode 6 and it’s just occurring to me now that this show doesn’t really feel like Pretty Little Liars. The girls have no secrets or anything of substance that they are lying about.

The whole allure of the original series was the mystery around who was A, coupled with the girl’s scandalous secrets and messy behaviour made for an iconic 7 seasons. (Not perfect but definitely memorable)

But this iteration has very little of that. There is almost no investigation into who Bloody Rose is, I want to see the girls creeping around town following people to find clues who BR is. No real red herrings, no texts, no blackmailing the girls. There was the bit with Sullivan that lasted like 2 episodes.

Don’t get me wrong I enjoy this version and I really do like the girls and their chemistry together as a group. But I miss the mystery element of the show. I miss the girls being messy and trying to cover up their secrets. I miss getting sassy texts from A.

It feels like a slasher show and not Pretty Little Liars. Which is perfectly fine but it makes me think this show could be so much more with better writing and more emphasis on what made the original so entertaining.

All that being said I am enjoying the show and I’m happy we’re getting PLL again. Do ya’ll agree or are you happy with the direction they’re taking the show?

Out of curiosityQuestion ❕

Are you an OG watcher (watched when PLL was on air or since the beginning 2010) or new(watched after it aired/streaming services) or never watched PLL). I’m curious to see where the majority is in this thread. If you feel comfortable, can you comment if you enjoy the show or not based off of your watcher status.

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Enough with the riverdale Connections SpoilerComplaint... GRRR

Not understanding the point behind all the references to Riverdale. It’s not like that show is remembered for being good. 💀 the PLL franchise does not need the connection and honestly it hurts the show in more ways than one.

Yall!!!! BODIES IN THE FREEZER Question ❕

Why the fuck were the bodies in the freezer??????!!!!!!!! Was there an explanation for this.

ForeshadowS2 SPOILER ❕

Omggg the way Wes had a rose out when he was cooking for Tabitha in S1…foreshadowed him and bloody rose double team 😭

Why are fans forgiving of Imogen knocking out Johnny and threatening his life?S2 SPOILER ❕

I know that scene exists to homage The Shining but if it was a boy who did that to a girl youd never hear the end of it and the show glosses it over

Kelly, Karen, and ImogenShow Discussion

Does anyone here think Kelly somehow had a role in all of this? Kelly looking at the pic of Imogen and Karen after Karen’s death. Kelly being the one to make the story of her kissing Greg look bad and being the one to tell Karen. I don’t think she’s completely innocent here