Hi all,

I will be visiting Peru for the first time next month.

I started hearing about various diseases in Peru such as as Dengie Fever and Yellow Fever. I am more worried about Dengue as I can get vaccinated against Yellow Fever.

My current itinerary is: - Lima (3 days) - Puerto Maldonado / Tombopata / Amazon area (2.5 days) - Cusco area (5 days)

I don’t think there’s any worry with Lima and Cusco, but I am now concerned with visiting the jungle area.

I know there are precautions to take such as DEET spray and long sleeves but I don’t want to risk it if the risk of infection is relatively high.

My plan is flexible so I could potentially skip out the jungle is it’s risky. We will be staying at the Inkaterra lodge by the way, if it helps.

I don’t usually take medical advice from Reddit but I am struggling to find any useful resources and I thought taking the advice of locals or people who have visited recently might help.
