Hi everyone! I am the same guy who recently asked if I can still worship God with hymns using violin as my voice but I have a much much bigger problem than that today (or the biggest should I say)

As many of you may know, orthodoxy isn't known much here in the Philippines and the orthodox churches are still not bloomy or like spread out and that's my number one problem. Second is, I received a 2 hour rap battle with my mom (with my parents actually but my mom was the most furious) as I prepared for weeks and told her earlier that I want to convert and she said I am not converting because I am already in the truth. My brothers and sisters this deepens my sorrow even more because I learnt that salvation is exclusive in the Orthodox church only and here I am, a bornagain 17 year old boy with pretty much no way out. I pray to God that if it's His will then let the conversion of protestant to orthodoxy happen to me but I am pretty disturbed because I don't know what to do at this point. To sum it up: 1. No church near me, Imma have to fly by plane in which we have no money for it. 2. My parents didn't allow me to convert 3. I am doomed because I am not orthodox and I don't have salvation

Please help me brothers and pray for me. I am really lost I just don't know what to do and how do I do this.