
r/OntarioGrade12s20.1K subscribers19 active
Acceptances and Rejections Spreadsheet (2023-2024 Applicants)

It's time!!


Link to the results are in the form.

Let me know if there's anything you would want me to add/change. I will be sorting and updating the sheet by program, but you can also easily google how to filter it by any other category that you want to look at.

Obviously note this is VERY early so anyone who has been accepted already will have higher grades. Don't put too much pressure on yourself :) Please share this to your friends, discord and wherever else.

edit: i'll try updating at least once every week, most probably on sundays.

05/12/23: updated until column 165

21/1/24: fully updated until column 232, updated by program code until 389. (they're throwing exam after exam at me, will try to finish updating it asap)

16/2/24: i've finished updating everything! some areas are a little messy, but if you press ctrl+f you can easily search for what you're looking for :) i have my final exams in march, so i won't be making any additional updates until after they end.

Pinnedby sunset-dreams
For People Who Think They Won’t Get In Anything With A ‘Low’ Average

What an 82% Got Me: (Also took 1 private school course and an external music course for 2/6 of my g12 credits)

Most people here have 90+ averages, so now everyone thinks they’re cooked. I was surprised to get into 4/5 programs I applied to (Ik these programs aren’t super competitive but I genuinely thought i wasn’t getting into anything/I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life so I applied to a bunch of random stuff)

York Social Media & Public Relations ✅ (Accepted within 4 days of applying 🗿) UoFT Mississauga Computer Science ✅ (COMMITED) Laurier UX Design ✅ TMU BTM ✅ UoFT Scarborough BBA ❌

If you have over 75% you’ll likely be fine dw guys 😭


As much as ppl troll on this Reddit n whatever this thing acc came soooooo clutch and seeing other ppls grades pushed me to hold myself more accountable and to a higher standard

Not even gonna miss hs just gonna miss being a kid because wdym I’m gonna be treated like an adult from now on 😑🤨?..

Wdym my physics class is 3 HOURS and my teachers dnt gaf abt me anymore 😧….??

Any1 going to grade 12 next year or even younger bruh don’t be in a hurry to grow up bc ts is overrated. Live in the present and stop stressing urself out so much it’ll all work out if ur putting in the work.


Asking for offers back

Basically, I really regret the university and program choice I made, and I really want to choose something else, but all my offers are expired.

Do you guys think if I ask for my offers back, they’ll let me have them (and do you think I’ll get residence if I ask for that too?)

(also pls help me articulate the email I should send)

Honor Roll

Hi everyone, wondering if they round up your average for honor roll. The first semester I got a 79.25% average and the second semester I got a 79.75% average not including my co-op class which is high. Together they add 79.5%. Will they round it up to an 80% for honor roll?

English Summer School

Anyone else taking ENG4U online right now, if so, how are you doing and how do you feel about the course load

When does McMaster give out offers?

Do they have early acceptance?

If you got Mac Eng what were your stats?

After my previous post I realized Mac is good. I called UofT and realized I never would’ve been happy there anyways and my health issues would’ve made it tough. Mac has been supportive since day 1. Apparently I was super into going to Mac in grade 9,10 and 11 so this one’s for you lil me

Soo I want to make a small post for whoever is thinking of Mac and applying this year.

I’ll go first:

Around 93 avg at time of admission now 96.7 adj factor of 9 if they consider it.


  • Nearly 450 volunteer hours
  • Hack the North
  • Did web dev internship at a super well known company for 4 years
  • Club pres and founder of 2 tech/math - focused clubs
  • Led an organization for tutoring students from my school after being an exec for 2 years
  • spoken to and have attended lessons with Waterloo comp sci profs
  • did a specialized program for all 4 years
  • have 2 businesses
  • lots of awards and gallery showings in the art field
  • semi popular semi realism artist
  • built a looooot of side projects and a fully functioning robotic arm that unfortunately got taken apart
  • discord bot dev
  • sparrow rescue non profit I started
  • did every contest they offered including chem and physics ones
  • represented my school at multiple math tournaments
  • mid contest scores
  • semi successful lego YouTube channel that got banned (didn’t mention the ban)
  • a bunch of other shit that they probably didn’t like

Great interview something I watched got me super motivated before it and I did the interview with a smile. Remember to dress well! And smile! you’re never fully dressed without one after all!

downvoting for no reason

literally cannot say anything on this sub without being downvoted like my bad bro for asking when unis give out offers 💀

Desperately need study habit tips and suggestions🙏🙏🙏

I need suggestions for grade 12, no matter what I do, my avg never reaches 90s

Updated Transcripts in OUAC

My transcripts are not yet updated in OUAC. When does pdsb (Peel) usually does?

tips for film school acceptance ?

i’m hoping to apply to film production programs such as ubc, york, or tmu later this year. any advice, tips for classes, ecs, etc. ? particularly if you are or will be attending a film program, or any general arts program really lol. i feel like i have a lot i want to accomplish but i just don’t know where to begin. thanks guys 🫶


So I did not take chem or bio in grade 11, and now I'm going to grade 12 and I'm kinda considering taking pre-med, but I lack the prereqs. So there is basically no way I can do life sciences. So in that case does anyone know some programmes (prereqs not involving chem/bio) in uni that I can take so I can at least get into medical school?? Thanks!

Nursing extracurriculars

Hi everyone! I’m a student currently going into g12. Right now, I am planning on applying to nursing programs but I’m not sure if extracurriculars matter. If they do, I ask what do you recommend.

To give some background info, the current extracurriculars I have right now include:

  • 75 volunteer hours
  • Cofounder of a game club at school —> really small, started in second semester of g11 and probably going to stop in g12
  • General member of hosa —> there’s no chance of me getting a higher position in the club as I am pretty reserved and didn’t participate much throughout the year
  • SHSM
  • general member of a nonprofit for lgbt youths, pretty small

Unis I want to get into: Mac, TMU, uOttawa, Brock, Western, etc. — all main sites no colleges

Please tell me what extracurriculars I can do to increase my chances of getting into nursing school. Thanks!

Taking a Spare in Grade 11

I’m interested about what you guys think about this topic. I’m going into grade 11 and due to a course conflict I have the choice of either taking an online course or taking a spare. My guidance councillor highly recommends taking both spares in grade 12. However, I have taken an online course before and hated the format. What do you guys think?

Is grade 12 law worth it?

I'm planning on taking grade 11 law (canadian) because I'm interested in a law job in Canada and just want a basic understanding of it in case I need it/will be useful. Is grade 13 law (international) worth it