I’ve appreciated many of these posts, particularly planning for a shoulder season visit. I’d love some input about the following itinerary this coming week, May 5-10. Our primary interest is hiking (day hikes ~5-15 miles). Normally we would try to hit some higher elevation hikes but it seems that is most likely out the question this time of year (we are not equipped for snow). If there are any hikes I’m missing that you’d recommend for this time of year, I’d love to know. Thank you!

May 5 - Seattle to PA, driving and Edmonds/Kingston ferry. Check in with ranger station regarding hiking conditions. If time, check out salt creek recreation area. Stay in PA

May 6 - Hiking day in PA. Depending on snow, likely one of the following (but very open to recommendations): - Little River Trail - Mount Storm King/Marymere Falls - Barnes Creek/Marymere Falls - Lake Angeles Trail

I’m assuming Hurricane Ridge and higher elevations (including parts of the Little River or Lake Angeles trails listed above) may be a no-go due to snow, but we will check with the ranger station. Stay in PA

May 7 - Ancient groves / sol duc Falls. Drive to Forks. Rialto beach/hole in the wall Stay in Forks

May 8 - Hoh hike - 5 mile island via Hoh River Trail Drive to Quinalt Stay in Quinalt

May 9 - Quinalt hiking Quinalt rainforest loop, or first part of enchanted valley hike Anything else? Stay in Quinalt

May 10 - Shorter Quinalt hike. Head back to Seattle.