Our country is being sold off to investors like china. The future of our youth is terrible. The freedom within our country is non-existent. Our culture and history is constantly under attack by our own government. Our youth are being oppressed, murdered, raped, taken hostage because they're risking speaking out about injustice within their our country. Our country's environmental status looks bleak; there is flash floods, earthquakes, and poor air quality. It has never been more important to take control of our country and restore order on multiple issues.

However, I see diaspora arguing among themselves about petty things like Elica Le Bon's comment on some random video; invalidating each other because we don't 100% agree with eachother's actions, views or business'. We need to stay united. There is only 2 sides to this war, you're either with the people or with the islamic republic. There is no in-between. When we argue amongst eachother, we appear weak; to both ourselves and to foreign countries who are looking at the future of Iran. if they see in-fighting amongst opposition, they're likely to remain invested in the Islamic republic.

There needs to be 1 clear message on all fronts: Demand that your current country of residence close off all business with the Islamic Republic, list them as a terrorist entity, close their embassy and recall their diplomats from Iran. Iran needs to be isolated and the Islamic Republic needs no further validation; they do not represent us. The iranian people need a fair chance to pick their own representation.

Anything outside of that is petty in-fighting that will not progress the fight for our country. I don't give a shit about Elica. There is plenty of things she says which i disagree with, but she's also been consistent in her demand of western leaders to isolate the islamic republic. She has a big following and i can agree with the majority of things she says. When I see Samira Mohyeddin and Elica arguing about nonsense and invalidating eachother, it boils my blood.

How would Toomaj feel about seeing that nonsense while he's isolated in prison? Think about all those who lost their lives. Their mothers and fathers who are banking on our help abroad to overthrow this regime.

I was forced to flee Iran but i have plenty of extended family, some of which are in jail right now. It is so easy for us abroad to pick fights with eachother over little things in the safety of western countries. When we do that, we hurt our own people. We need to seek unity amongst each other. A revolution will not happen with 100% acceptance of the next government. A revolution will happen with the understand and respect that we all have our separate views and we need to form a secular democratic government to reflect what the majority believe is the correct future.