I bought a property that has a large open yard and I want to fill in the space I'm not going to use. There will be space for a decent sized native prarie plot and I want a decent orchard with several kinds of fruits and at least one nut tree to develop a small food forest over time.

I'm for sure going to add two American plums, spicebush, a couple of pawpaw trees on the edge of the property, American persimmon, and I've already found muscadine vines there. If there's room I may also add a mulberry tree. I'll be transplanting more muscadines over time so there's a variety of those. I also found wild huckleberry bushes and saved seeds, and I have two massive blueberry bushes and a few elderberry trees that came with the property.

I want there to be enough that I get to share with wildlife but will also have plenty to preserve for myself throughout the year. I'm looking for trees, shrubs, bushes, low lying ground cover, and any other size.