Over this past week, I've noticed numerous posts from this subreddit invading my feed, labeling claw edge users as "spammers" and "cowards". This made me question how these critics fail to see the duality and hypocrisy in their stance. Most of these complainers are by their play-style veterans who have relied on "meta builds", but now that their metas are failing them, they are quick to judge others.

The weapon in question has revealed the fragility of their so-called "skillful gameplay". In reality, this game has little to do with skill; it's just a spam fest, with the claw edge essentially reduced to a single button. Mind you a single button was all it took to have people's "reliable builds and their skills" trown to the metaphorical trash bin . None of the players are truly skilled; they're just following "meta builds". In a PvP game with meta builds, skillfulness isn't essential. Important to note that skill and strategy are different things, for example a strategy could be simply use X meta build in order to protect a base or a flag (depending the mode you're playing)

Long story short, dial down your egos, winning or losing against claw edge isn't anything special. New broken weapons and jutsu will be released behind a paywall, and metas will be rebuilt accordingly. No matter how many years you play this game, a newbie can still defeat you because this is for all intents and purposes a gacha game. Additionally, if you want to invade someone's feed with complaints about this game, know that your save file can get corrupted from one day to the next, forcing you to start over or even better, re-buy already owned dlcs, which in a game with microtransactions, shows a blatant disregard for the players and sheer incompetence from the developers, now that's some grim food for thought.