On the Naruto YouTube community there’s a big joke that Kakazu is the strongest Akatsuki member and he can defeat Pain. Obviously, this is a joke, but some people seriously believe this and I can’t understand why. Kakazu (albeit a little fatigued) got blitzed by base Naruto, while Pain was clearly equal to or even stronger than Sage Mode Naruto, who’s base form should be stronger than it was when he fought Kakazu.

I’ll say this, Kakazu is pretty strong considering he went up against a tailed beast and lived to tell the tale (and in the anime, it’s implied he defeated and captured Fū), but regardless, I am curious to see what started the whole joke of Kakazu beating Pain, because some people also think Kakazu is some random fodder who’s way weaker than the likes of Deidara and Sasori, so, what do you guys think?