This is more a vent post with a little advice. I was processing for the academy starting this upcoming week. I passed psyc, initial med, jst and background. I’m really happy and was just waiting on mini med. So I take mini med a little over a week ago. I just got a NOPD for a positive test for cocaine. Now the problem I have with that is I’ve literally never done cocaine a day in my life. When I spoke with medical, the lady from medical said I have the option to have the second sample sent to different lab for analysis but in her experience, she says it’ll pop positive again since it’s from the same sample. Or she said I can withdrawal application and start the process again. I’m not sure what I should do. I’ve literally been trying to wrap my head around how the hell I popped positive. Yes I use to smoke marijuana but stopped before December last year and it was disclosed to medical and it wasn’t a problem. Now my question would be, if I redid the entire process would this be held against me? I know it’ll come up in questions. I’m just really pissed at this moment. A-hole comments are not needed.