I might have a theory that is extremely plausible and might change your way of thinking for Naruto's future. Has seen in the manga and Naruto shippiden Ashuras and Indra souls and chalkra get reincarnated after the passing of the previous reincarnates. After Naruto's and Sasuke passing who will be next. The biggest question is will they be comrades as we seen with Naruto and Suaske breaking the cycle or will they turnout like the previous ones and be influenced and destined to be against each other like Madara and Hashrima as well as other previous ones. Thus breaking the peace era set fourth by Naruto after the last shinobi war .it's also confirmed that the influence and power of Ashra and Indra on the reacanites are unknown.It can also be confirmed that boruto is 100% otsutsuki and kawki is 80% otsutsuki. With this being taken into consideration who are the next reincarnates. And have they already appeared in Bourto Also what will be there influences and feats of the new shinobi world. Will it bring the second coming of Kagyu, revival of Akatsuki or a new shinobi world. I would really love your opinions on this and if I'm missing something!!