Something I love to do is ask people I meet to tell me a song that resonates with them. It could be a song that you listened to during a rough patch, a song that makes you think of a certain memory, a song that just has a very strong significance in your life! I feel like you can tell a lot about a person by the song they choose etc!

For example: a song that reminds me of a moment in my life is “what if this is all the love you ever get?” By Snow Patrol. It was the first song I heard after finding out my dad had cancer. To this day I skip it.

So I thought I’d come on here and ask everyone to write down in the comments a song that falls under that category! I want to make a playlist with all your recommendations/selections!

Can’t wait to hear them all 💖

As I see your comment I will upvote it to let you know it’s been seen and written in my notebook waiting to be put into the playlist!

Here’s the link to the playlist if anyone else would like to listen! I’m adding every song as they get left 💖 songs that resonate