
r/MtvChallenge136.2K subscribers41 active
Important Threads of the Week | July 01 - July 07, 2024HUB
Important Threads of the Week | July 1 - July 7, 2024

Filming for All Stars #5 has wrapped! Social media from the AS5 cast is again allowed on the main feed.

Want to see the cast list without any other leaks from the set? That's what the Official Cast Megathread is for.

Want all the leaks from the set? The 💣AS5 Elimination Megathread🌋 is nervously awaiting the winner(s) announcement that could arrive any day now.

If you're catching up on All Stars Season 4, the AS4 Episode Thread Hub is your one-stop shop for discussion threads, recaps, and confessional counts.

If you are Spoiled on the finalists/winner(s) of the upcoming seasons, please be considerate of the Unspoiled and only discuss unaired events in threads with the 💣🌋 emojis in the title. We think of ourselves as an Unspoiled community that also gives the Spoiled a few spots to hang out each week.

If you are Unspoiled, we advise you turn off email alerts and also the Reddit app's full-text push notifications so you don't see a spoiler comment before we've had the chance to review it.

(Automated Weekly & Daily threads are posted at 7:00am EST)


MondayMake-A-Caption 💬
TuesdayTMI TEA-SDAY - Weekly 💣SPOILED🌋 Discussion
WednesdayThe Sub's Favorite Cast Members
ThursdayWhat’s Your Vendetta? 😈
FridayThe Sub's Favorite Cast Members
Saturday & SundaySalty Saturday & Sunday - Unpopular Opinions 🍿

*Unspoiled Beware: Threads with 💣 and 🌋 emojis are open to ANY & ALL spoilers, including winners and losers from Season 40 AND All Stars #5!




*If you have a question or concern, please Message The Mods.

Important threads of last week, June 24 - June 30, 2024.

Pinnedby MTVSpoiledMod:Aneesa::Devin::Fessy::Kaycee::Nany::ToriD: Vacation Alliance
Salty Saturday & Sunday - Unpopular Opinion Thread 🍿DISCUSSION

Do you have an unpopular opinion you've been wanting to share? A hot take you need to get off your chest, but you know doesn't really deserve its own thread? Here is the spot!

Do not downvote comments just because you disagree with them. (Anywhere, but especially this thread, because this is where we encourage users to go against the grain.)

Please also remember to follow the sub's “Be Cool” rule. There is a difference between snark and disrespect. 🖖

Pinnedby MTVSpoiledMod:Aneesa::Devin::Fessy::Kaycee::Nany::ToriD: Vacation Alliance
Era 4 should fail badly BATTLE OF THE ERAS DISCUSSION

Looking at team composition & chemistry era 4 should fail in every regard. 1. 6/10 people on the team are now going into their 3rd season so compared to everyone else they’re still green. 2. Bc most their team doesn’t have much experience they also don’t have the long history with players on other teams or their own team. 3. Bc their lack of history they also don’t have team chemistry ie 5/10 started in s37-39, 3 of them haven’t been seen in 5+ seasons, and for the most part don’t really know each other that well cause they haven’t done a season together. 4. Our S39 players don’t like nor trust each other at all bc of the drama that’s most likely still going to get in their way.


I’m rewatching Battle of the Bloodlines and how did I forget how awkward Vince was with CT at the bar??? 👀👀👀 top 5 cringiest moment 😂

by _jenta:Devin: Devin Walker
Why was Colleen snubbed for Era 4?BATTLE OF THE ERAS DISCUSSION

This is about 90% sarcastic as she didn’t bring a ton to her last season. However, she performed relatively well especially in the final, is super smart, and is just so dang cute.

Basically this is just a Colleen appreciation post. She will be missed :(

Daily Discussion Thread ☀️DISCUSSION

Welcome to r/MTVChallenge's Daily Discussion Thread. ☀️

Comments can be about The Challenge...or not! You've entered the r/MTVChallenge pub where anything goes. The only rule for these threads is **NO unaired spoilers**!!

Spoilers from all seasons can be discussed on the TMI Tea-sday threads and Spoiled episode threads, there are no holds barred in 💣🌋 comment sections.

  • Do you have a favorite mission but can't remember the episode number?

  • What is the name of that song from Rivals 2 you can't get out of your head?

  • How cool was it when TJ rode his BMX alongside the finalists on Cutthroat?!

  • Who are the best follows on social media?

  • Any shows or movies you are dying to talk about?

  • Can you believe what happened to [insert public figure]?!

  • What new music are you listening to?

  • Which sports teams are you rooting for?

This is your space for free chat. It can be whatever you want it to be.

by MTVSpoiledMod:Aneesa::Devin::Fessy::Kaycee::Nany::ToriD: Vacation Alliance
Watching The Challenge on Pluto TVREWATCH DISCUSSION

So I’ve had the challenge on all week… Been a fan and rewatched since Fresh Meat 1

So as the episodes play, here’s some memories I’ve rewatched, and think about rent free for years.

Oh btw - yes I do enjoy and love the cast members who are very hated on this sub 😂💀

CT - he’ll always be my number 1 especially bc we got to see him change as the years went on. And I’m a hopeless romantic so honestly, his seasons w Diem make me Kim kardashian cry more than watching a “Walk to Remember”

Theresa - I didn’t mind her in FM but somewhere down the road she became THE BIGGEST FUCKEN SNOTTY Bitch I have ever seen. It’s WILD! When I see her I think of Jwows comment about Sammi in season 2 Miami when she says she used to beat up girls like her in high school. God damn Theresa! And Total Maddness SHE WAS STILL THE SAME PERSON 😂

Jenn - pretty sure it was the duel 2 that Katie? I think it was Katie, called jenn fat 😳💀😂 LIKE WTF?! Ok honestly back than calling skinny girls fat was like the comment you could say to destroy your enemies soul.

Susie - 💀🥴 idk how to describe how I feel about Susie but I never forget her.

So I tried watching Cutthroat Battle of the Seasons Bloodlines again but ugh. I just can’t watch these seasons 🫤 they aren’t interesting to me.

Zach - I’m well aware he’s hated and his first few seasons I truly can’t even deal w him. But than Free Agents happen and he slowly starts to calm down. He begins to have funny confessionals and doesn’t look so stiff in them. Crying in the final and laurel yelling at him - AMAZING!

His friendship w Tony, his FACE when Tony votes in bananas in Vendettas

😂 his hug and fake cry when CT gets voted in in WOTW 1 im sorry I still chuckle when I see it. But nothing brings me so much joy in life than him and Amanda’s HATREDDDDDD towards each other 😂😂😂💀💀💀 clearly I’m not good at pay attention to what happens off season bc idk why Amanda HATESSSSSS zach/Jenna so much. Like her recent post - I’m kind of worried they killed one of her family members and got away with it bc this is just too much. I don’t even hate my ex when I was 21 who cheated on me.

LeRoy - I love LeRoy, I love him and Kam. I haven’t seen the last couple seasons but I know there’s drama and kam I think is drunk w power but idk what it is, I feel like LeRoy is more confident and getting closer to a win if he continues since being w Kam. Which I’m still sooooo bad we didn’t get to see SHIT of their romance in vendettas, but I feel like he always got lost or forgotten being so LOYAL to bananas.

Idk why but I somehow always rewatch FR and hate it more each time but the funny parts do seem to get funnier when I rewatch it.

Does anyone win challenges being loyal to bananas?

I’m gonna end it bc this is getting too long but I’ll end it w some funny moments to me involving bananas - Jordan flipping all the cards to face bananas. But THAN a couple seasons later COREY 😂 gets big balls and announces he’s coming for the top dogs bananas CT and Jordan and Jordan’s tune not only changes bc he lost against bananas and is like wtf?!

Banana backpack.

TJ’s love for Trivia

And last but not really, Devin celebrating his Win against bananas

My friend kissed Aneesa at a bar 🥰CONTESTANTS IRL

I mean the title says it all. I’m not sure when, probably over a year ago but we live on opposite sides of the country so we don’t see each other as often as we would like. She said She was at a bar in Philly, and her male friend with her kissed Aneesa and my friend was like “what about me?” And she said Aneesa was low key surprised at her reaction 🤣 but she kissed her 🤣 said she was super nice and fun to be around 🥳

Johnny Bananas intro video for Love Island USAVIDEO
by NattyB:TJ: TJ Lavender is kind of a big deal
Daily Discussion Thread ☀️DISCUSSION

Welcome to r/MTVChallenge's Daily Discussion Thread. ☀️

Comments can be about The Challenge...or not! You've entered the r/MTVChallenge pub where anything goes. The only rule for these threads is **NO unaired spoilers**!!

Spoilers from all seasons can be discussed on the TMI Tea-sday threads and Spoiled episode threads, there are no holds barred in 💣🌋 comment sections.

  • Do you have a favorite mission but can't remember the episode number?

  • What is the name of that song from Rivals 2 you can't get out of your head?

  • How cool was it when TJ rode his BMX alongside the finalists on Cutthroat?!

  • Who are the best follows on social media?

  • Any shows or movies you are dying to talk about?

  • Can you believe what happened to [insert public figure]?!

  • What new music are you listening to?

  • Which sports teams are you rooting for?

This is your space for free chat. It can be whatever you want it to be.

by MTVSpoiledMod:Aneesa::Devin::Fessy::Kaycee::Nany::ToriD: Vacation Alliance
🎬 Get Ready for the Szn 40 Trailer Drop! 🚨 The countdown is on! It’ll probably drop on July 17th, 18th, or 19th. BATTLE OF THE ERAS DISCUSSION

Mark your calendars and set your reminders because this is going to be EPIC! 🎉

We dove deep into the archives and did some quick research on the trailer release patterns for the last 5 seasons compared to their premiere dates. Check out our findings:

🔎 Battle for a New Champion

•     Trailer Release Date: September 27th, 2023
• Premiere Date: October 25th, 2023
• Gap: 4 weeks exactly

💥 Ride or Die

• Trailer Release Date: September 5th, 2022
• Premiere Date: October 12th, 2022
• Gap: 3 weeks and 6 days

🎭 Spies, Lies, & Allies

• Trailer Release Date: July 14th, 2021
• Premiere Date: August 11th, 2021
• Gap: 4 weeks exactly

💣 Double Agents

• Trailer Release Date: November 13th, 2020
• Premiere Date: December 9th, 2020
• Gap: 3 weeks and 5 days

🌪️ Total Madness

• Trailer Release Date: March 4th, 2020
• Premiere Date: April 1st, 2020
• Gap: 4 weeks exactly

With all of that being said, we predict that the trailer will drop 4 weeks prior to the premiere date on July 17th? 🎉💥

Winning Prizes and Taxes?QUESTION

Does anyone know how the taxes work for international winners eg, Emanuel? For US contestants it's basically a 50% tax on all prize winnings. So you're $500k prize is closer to $250k but how about for international winners? Season 39 was played in the EU and Emmanuel is an EU citizen - how much of that $250k did he get to keep?

Daily Discussion Thread ☀️DISCUSSION

Welcome to r/MTVChallenge's Daily Discussion Thread. ☀️

Comments can be about The Challenge...or not! You've entered the r/MTVChallenge pub where anything goes. The only rule for these threads is **NO unaired spoilers**!!

Spoilers from all seasons can be discussed on the TMI Tea-sday threads and Spoiled episode threads, there are no holds barred in 💣🌋 comment sections.

  • Do you have a favorite mission but can't remember the episode number?

  • What is the name of that song from Rivals 2 you can't get out of your head?

  • How cool was it when TJ rode his BMX alongside the finalists on Cutthroat?!

  • Who are the best follows on social media?

  • Any shows or movies you are dying to talk about?

  • Can you believe what happened to [insert public figure]?!

  • What new music are you listening to?

  • Which sports teams are you rooting for?

This is your space for free chat. It can be whatever you want it to be.

by MTVSpoiledMod:Aneesa::Devin::Fessy::Kaycee::Nany::ToriD: Vacation Alliance
Why isn’t Emmanuel on Season 40?BATTLE OF THE ERAS DISCUSSION

You would think that since season 39 was “Battle for a New Champ” that production would try extra hard to get the new champ on season 40. Does anybody know if there’s a reason he was left out?

What era did you start watching the challengePOLL/SURVEY

Battle of the eras is coming so I am making a poll asking you which era you start watching the challenge

View Poll

by Soda11Pro:Nam: Nam Vo