"Destiny, Domination, Deceit"

r/MordekaiserMains43.9K subscribers4 active
Not sure what to do

I am extremely new to the game and I'm trying to pick up Mordekaiser because he's awsome looking however I'm having trouble in the gameplay section. Almost every single match I'm running into matchups that are primarily ranged enemies with movement and I cannot do anything to counter it and end up going like 1-8. Any tips/tricks to help with this problem? Thanks in advance

Mordekaiser’s Gameplay Fits Dark Overlord ArcMeme

After Riot over nerfed the champion’s late game Morde’s gameplay pattern increasingly resembles that of a fantasy Dark Lord final boss.

In lane the ennemy is intimidated and your easier to play kit is likely to get 2-3 kills. You establish yourself as a threat/big boss and threaten to take over the map.

But then the fellowship of heroes (led by some BS plot armor fed Mid or Bot) rallies together and somehow their valor, resourcefulness and righteousness (shown in game through their BS mobility, kiting and outplay buttons) proves to be too much. At some point either due to hubris (over pushing) or some kind of inevitable misplay in a teamfight, the scales tip and Morde is no longer relevant.

It’s like those fantasy movie fights where the villain is close to winning but the hero escapes with 1-2 hp and then wins.

Too many Morde games are like this now.

How to kill (almost) every ADC on MordekaiserDiscussion

I just saw Baus saying ADCs counter Mordekaiser and it triggered me so much I am making this post. Mordekaiser can kill almost all ADC champions from full HP in a single spell rotation even after the Q nerfs.


Flash + Ghost don't go in when he has red gun stacked up and he will die.


Flash + Ghost flash the arrow go on her she dies


Flash + Ghost pop ghost to engage your ult follows her E dodge her traps with speed hold flash to follow hers she dies


Flash + Exhaust click R on him he can't do anything he dies


Flash + Exhaust + Conq resolve runes give the lane early even if you're 20 cs down you get 6 he dies


Ghost + Ignite you just kill him every time you're on the same screen, he used to be able to play even if you kept killing him when he was 51% winrate but he is not as good now


Flash + Ghost + Sorc runes dodge or bait his root he dies


Flash + Ghost go on her bait out flame chompers then click R and you can walk over them she dies


Hard matchup in master+ because if she uses her ult properly she can live your all in and I never figured a counter to it so I always had to wait for her to lose flash or HP or commit ult to something else before going in. I just ended up banning her. In diamond or lower she's really easy to kill you just go Flash + Exhaust + Sorc runes go in she dies.


This used to be another really hard one. You need Ghost + Exhaust + Sorcs and use exhaust at the end of her spear stack when she wants to pop it but if she'd run cleanse which was very common you'd be unable to kill her. Now she's like 47% winrate I haven't played this lane in a while but you can probably kill her more easily now.


Not an ADC but I just had to include him because Mordekaiser hardcounters him completely. Flash + Exhaust just don't greed going on him without exhaust and you will have a free target on him the entire game.


I don't have the highest number of games on this but Ghost + Exhaust is most suitable I think. After he completes BOTRK he wins you but before that you kill him.


Ghost + Exhaust hold your E for when he starts ulting to interrupt it after that you should kill him.

Miss Fortune

Flash + Ghost she is really easy just go in she dies.


Bullshit aids fake champion that gets two levels advantage on you just for existing. Flash + Exhaust and hold exhaust ult for when when her spinny ult thing is about to end and you might be able to kill her.


Flash + Exhaust hold exhaust for her ultimate or if she is running cleanse interrupt her ulti with your E you kill her and she becomes useless later so it's really free.


You can kill her but I would rather just dodge than play this. Ghost + Flash and you have to go on her no R to bait out her spellshield then only use it after but it's obviously inconsistent and even if you do kill her she still giga outscales you.


The freest possible matchup I had something insane like 77% winrate over 33 games vs this when he was meta earlier this year you go flash + ghost and kill him every time you have cooldowns and target him in every fight from start to end. Only thing you need to watch out for is possible wall angles for his fly ability that could get him away from you.


Ghost + Ignite + Sorcs with summoner speed boost wait for her to commit E then go in and you should kill. This one could get a lot harder if the Tristana is good and knows what you want to do but I ended up having a surprisingly high WR vs it so idk.


He's easy as long as he has no Lulu in range to preemptively ult him. Flash + Ghost just go on him he dies.



You have to hope he's stupid and goes lethality cause if he completes BOTRK you can't do anything vs him anymore.


I've seen a lot of Mordekaiser players say this is unplayable but I have a way to solokill her consistently that also works on top lane. Ghost + Ignite + Sorcs with summ speed and pop the ignite right before she is gonna ult and it will track her movement while invis. After she gets like 3 items you can't target her anymore but by then you should be fed and can look for other champions to ult.


Flash + Ghost and use the ghost speed to go around her ult feathers to her side so she can't pull on you and it should be a kill.


Flash + Exhaust pop the exhaust when she is about to ult and you kill her just watch out for wall angles she can jump over.

Maximum CDR build?Discussion

was wondering if anyones ever tried maxxing out mordekaisers CDR while still keeping him viable?

highest i could get him up to was 70 CDR without trying to throw the game.

went iceborne > nashors > riftmaker > abyssal mask > cdr boots > jak sho

which is already a pretty strange build i fear. anyone have a better build that gives him a lot of cdr?

Anyone else really miss gargoyle stone plate? do you think they should bring it back?Discussion

volume warning for the video below, i get really hyped up.

call me a freak but back in the mythic item days i used to build my own "si-ze-kaiser" build where the core items would be:

gargoyle, steraks and heartsteel and a tank pot late game. and i'd try to max out my girth by procing gargoyle and steraks as well as my ult in one go. it was really ineffective damage wise and was a bad use of gargoyles 90 second cooldown but the sheer girth was a sight to behold. ( + points if there was a lulu on my team)

but in more serious builds it gave a nice amount of armor and mr and the shield it gave was a good way to stall for your W cooldown to come back up so in a fight you could have 2 max charge W's and 1 gargoyles shield, having 3 shields in total. best thing i can do nowadays to stall for time is with a zhonyas but they arent beating you up during it so ur 2nd W charge stays so very little..

tldr: was gargoyles stoneplate a healthy item for the game? should they bring it back and if they shouldn't why?

this isnt even my max size.

camille vs morde

hi mains, anyone has any idea on how to play against morde as camille? like if a camille ever put u really behind in this match up or what u hate about the match up. i feel like lvl 1-3 is very easy but after 6 walking up into the wave means ur dead even from full hp if he hits 1 e. is the match up supposed to be THAT one sided? or is anything camille can do? even if im ahead the sidelane is really bad if i screw up 1 little thing.

im by no means calling ur champ braindead i know hes really bad but specifically into camille he's top 5 counters so ill always think hes op from my lane perspective haha

Two posts in oneDiscussion

Am I the only stupid bastard that enjoys tank build morde? I'm not talking ap fighter, I'm talking straight tank, I usually take grasp keystone, demolish, conditioning and revitalize for the main runes with triumph and last stand secondary, my items are usually scepter, heartsteel, boots, thornmail (omen if I'm against the walking bullshit that is tryndcunt), force of nature, or jaksho

Second part, does/has anyone else tried dark seal starting item on morde? I just did and made a garen ragequit in ten minutes

Which is better? rylais or iceborn?

Pretty newish to mordekaiser (100k or so mastery points) and love his gameplay, i like building him like a freak. build path usually goes:

Rylais > boots > nashors/riftmaker > either banshees veil or zhonyas (depends on matchup) and then jak sho.

My problem is i want to go for more weirder builds but i feel as though rylais, banshees and zhonyas are essential if i wanna be tanky and do damage.

Then i thought well why dont i just build iceborn gauntlet? its got zhonyas armor stat with rylais slow and it takes 1 less item slot. it would enable me to go more fun builds.

But then surely.. it cant be that easy? theres gotta be a downside besides the obvious damage output being lower because rylais is an AP item and iceborn isn't.

Not sure which is better; I've turned to the mordekaisermains subreddit to ask for your opinion on whats the better item.

tldr: which is better? rylais or iceborn? and why?

Mordekaiser's plan

Imagine if those mages who trapped asol power was actually some undead slaves for mordekaiser. He planned to trap asol celestialatic power so he can comeback from the death realm and get his soul to rule everything not runeterra but the whole world

Any guides for Morde JG?Discussion

I usually dislike playing JG, but after some consideration, I'd like to have some info how to play him jg, and when he is viable, because top becomes more and more unplayable.

by Doomy_Kitten:MordeInfernal: Infernal
Mordekaiser Rework by Krod7435 aka Krod

Ok lets try this again hopefully this works this time lol. Here's the link for my dropbox document file for mordekaiser for anyone who wants to see it :). let me know if you guys have any issues.

link to my document:


Nautilus TopDiscussion

I am on the hunt for alternative champ picks when Morde is banned. Has anyone here tried Nautilus top? I’ve played him in bot lane and ARAM but that’s about it.

It seems like it could work, you have Q hook instead of Morde’s E and you do some pretty nasty cc especially after first item. Weak early game with little damage and mostly just a tank but you end up way stronger than a fed Nautilus support by late game and go nuts in team fights with your cc.

I realize this is not a meta pick, I’m more focused on trying something new/fun.

What are your off-meta picks?