Ok folks, it was a VERY close vote. The "allow" moving/vacation posts won by a very small number of votes, out of the total community. We are talking about 5 votes out of less than 300 total votes in a community of 381,200 members, so not even 1% voted. As a result since the vote was so close, we've decided on the trial option I mentioned. We will give these posts a try until the end of October and then we will come back to the community to see how everyone feels about them again. The mod team hopes that giving these posts a chance, and allowing more people to see them will give the community a better feel for said posts giving us a better chance for a more informed vote starting at the beginning of November.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE still use the "search function" of the sub to see if someone has already asked your particular moving/vacation post.

We still reserve the right to remove any of these posts, if need be. Posts that will be subject to removal would be extremely easily found answers on google/bing/etc. Posts that still have a defined community, such as "Im moving to NW Mi, where should I look for housing", will still be requested to post in those more defined and local Michigan subs. Also, duplicate postings such as two posts looking for suggestions for Metro Detroit vacation activities on the front page at once would be removed.

Thank you all for your input. We've been really growing as a community again since June and we appreciate all of you.