I was 11 when I saw it on Headbanger's Ball on MTV, and it seriously changed my life. It was my 'conversion experience' to TRVE METAL. I chucked out my Motley Crue and Warrant tapes and never looked back. I can't have been the only one!

I've learned, via this sub, that fans were bitching about it at the time. The Black Album I can understand, and Load and everything after I can definitely understand. But why 'One'? I can accept that 'Master' was a better album than 'Justice' and that the latter had production issues, etc. Nevertheless, I can count on one hand the number of songs that completely fried my circuits like that, and 'One' (which I was exposed to via the video for it, with the fucked up movie clips and all) comes in at... wait for it... #1!