Hi Everyone.

I am fairly new still to vaping and the flowers. I mostly used the oils which don't really smell too much. But the flower has a strong smell and my parents don't know I vape.

Here's what I do to try and combat the smell to hide my stash:

2 × 10g canisters of flower, I put them both inside a zip lock baggie along with my grinder. I then put that baggie inside a normal canvas bag/purse thing and then put the whole thing in a bigger zip lock bag. THEN I put that into ANOTHER zip lock bag.

And the smell can somehow still get out!

I nearly got kicked off a bus because the smell was so strong and bothering other people. The bus driver wanted me to get off the bus, I showed him a photo of my script to show that I wasn't 'just another stoner' and he said to the people that complained that there was nothing he could do.

What else can I do to combat the smell?! I'm close to just sticking car air fresheners that you hang from the mirror in the bags as well.