i am pretty certain that i am between infp and intp. when i got to know about cognitive functions, i knew i use fi the most. but then i realized i have developed ti? i pretty much know the difference between ti and te but i think i use ti more, or maybe it's my misunderstanding. so i really have to know if ti is possible to be paired with fi.

here's what i think my fi is: - (new edit) i am sensitive asf i literally overthink anythinggg. i’d be overthinking about “ok lol” or when i am left on seen. thats what i think ti dont do - i feel really deep feelings and i prioritize my own needs over others (i dont gaf about them sometimes which i know is selfish asf) - i sympathise with people i relate to and have experienced the same things, so i know how it feels - i judge so fast people when their preference and opinions are against me (idk if this is fi tho)

ti: - i like finding the reason behind every fact and knowledge. when i see that it makes no sense, i will keep asking 'why' 'how' 'but it... until the person gets mad lol - i try to analyze everything like why do my friends act like that and speak like that blah blah blah. - and i can observe it when people is awkward, how they are actually feeling, or try to pretend sth, i instantly know when a person is acting weird or pick me or not in a genuine way, while when i ask my friends about it they dont seem to notice it. but i guess this may not be associated with ti fi? - i LOVE paradoxes it’s so interesting but also make my brain explode

i feel like i sometimes use te too: - i cant argue with a person that provides no evidence. they need to convince me by giving me a source or else i won’t give up my point. if they keep explaining something that i think is wrong and without proof, i will never believe it unless i try it.

can yall are ask me questions in the comments to determine my dom function too?