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Pinnedby schmon
Master Controller instread of…Animation

Can someone explain to me why people use the master controller to move a character instead of just using the feet

Help plsIssues

I need help, I'm working on a school project and I'm having some issues with one of the models. The model was made with the scene in meters, but when exported to the stage where the sequence will be animated, it imports with a size of 10 meters when in the model scene it measures 1.65 meters. I could scale it to the size I need, but doing so damages the topology. It's worth mentioning that the stage is also in meters. The rig was made with an advanced skeleton, and the version of Maya we are using is 2023.
I would like to know if there's any way to solve this without redoing the rig, and I was also wondering if the scene size affects rendering? Because I'm not sure how convenient it is to scale the stage to match the model size. The idea is to render in Blender with Eevee after animating in Maya.

Any advice or suggestions are welcome, thank you for reading.


Body Rig messing up face rig in AdvancedskeletonIssues

I completed rigging for a model using advanced skeleton. But the controls around the lip wont move the lip. I thought it might be a script issue, so I rebuilt the rig several times but it wouldn't get fixed. I decided to rig the face alone and that seems to have fixed the issue. It looks like the body rig is messing with the face rig. Any help is much appreciate

lip controls wont work

lip controls are working

I know the model looks absolutely horrifying (he has a mustache that covers he creepy smile). I just want to fix the issue :')

How do curves work?General

I want to place the selected object multiple times along the curve to create a palm tree. Does anyone know how?

GPU render without noise?Arnold

Is there a way to gpu render without noise? CPU render is much cleaner for me but takes so long and GPU render is 80% faster but with a lot of noise. Is there a way to fix it?

Maya animation isn't the same once imported into unreal engine (Potentially an with IK's)Issues

I have been scratching my head for a day and a half trying to trouble shoot this thing and I can't seem to figure out what specifically is wrong or how to fix it.

So basically I'm relatively new to animating in maya and I've created a little walk cycle. I've exported the skeleton and the mesh separately and imported it to unreal, and I've exported the animation through the skeleton separately as well. (Made sure the animation box was unchecked for the skeleton/mesh and checked when exporting the animation).


Now here's where the problem lies. When its imported into Unreal, none of the joints from the hips all the way up the spine seem to have any animation data attached to them and instead their animation data seems to be attached to the legs and shoulders (for example, in the animation in maya the COG controls rotate and dip the hip joint, but when I look at the joint break down in unreal, the hip joint is static and the thigh joint seems to be using its rotation data)

Only additional info I can think of right now is that it appears that any joints along an IK handle seem uneffected and any that aren't, become static after the import



Please if you have any ideas on how to fix it, would be greatly appreciated

Subsurface Scattering appears too dark. Arnold

I've watched various tutorials on SSS and the gist of them is plugging the diffuse texture into SS color, then using some scalar ss mask/ map and plugging that into the SS weight. Most of those examples when they plug their diffuse into subsurface colour it still looks similar enough to if it was plugged into diffuse. However when I did the same, it looks super dark. Here's screenshots of what it looks like with the color map plugged into diffuse vs plugged in sss color for comparison. And yes the normals are as they should be.

Non SS


hypershade screenshot

Where can I find clients as 3D freelancer?Question
Hello everyone!

I specialize in 3D/2D Digital Graphis, including Spine/Maya animation, modeling, sculpting, GUI, and other related areas. I have10 years of experience and would rate my skills as intermediate or even advanced.

I've been posting gigs (job listings) on Fiverr and UpWork for a while now, but I'm not getting any traction. Do you think the problem is that my work isn't interesting enough, or could it be something else? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

Here’s my portfolio on ArtStation: ArtStation - Davron_cg

Thanks in advance for your feedback and help!