I'm 28 years old and my husband is 34 years old. We have 3 kids between the ages of 3 and 6. As the title says my husband goes out almost every night with friends, not to a club but rather to their house or whatever. He started doing that approximately three months ago. I'm not working and he does work so he says he is entitled to go out with friends and he's an independent person. I've been crying, swearing and screaming because I don't want him to go out every night and leave me alone with the kids. After I cried to my parents telling them he's going out every night and I don't want to live in this family anymore he promised me he won't go out anymore, and then he went out on the same day's evening... on another day I've told him he's a liar and he then said he won't go out anymore and then he went out on the same evening. And again. Then he said he is going out because he loves me and he doesn't want to be home at the evening because he doesn't want to watch porn on the computer because he loves me. Today he told me he's going out to eat with friends. He already went out 4 times this week so today is the 5th time this week. I'm furious.