We have all heard how important slow, zone 2 runs are for training. I truly get this and don't have a problem with the concept. But I am finding it hard to slow down more than 90 seconds from my standard MP. I do most of my runs around 9:20-9:30 pace and am targeting an 8:10 marathon pace (3:35).

My issue is that the slower I go, the harder it feels, especially on hills. And it sometimes physically hurts. I have a neuroma in my foot and have been cleared to run/train, but I notice the symptoms act up if I go much slower than 9:45 pace. It isn't a one-time issue either — I have been experimenting with various shoes, inserts and it's always the same. I slow down to 10 or even 11 minute miles and the nerve starts hurting. Then I speed up to my "normal" pace and the pain is magically gone.

I'm currently part of a summer training group and our coach is saying that we all need to slow down so that no one's HR goes above 139 during the bulk of our runs. We live in a humid/hilly area, which makes a low HR pretty challenging in summer. My HR (based on the watch) is usually in the 140s and I'm able to hold conversations, but am starting to second guess myself on whether I am "overdoing" it based on our coach's feedback.

What is everyone's advice for zone 2 training? How do you make slower running more comfortable? Does anyone else notice it feels worse than "regular" runs?