Map Porn, for interesting maps

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MapPorn Discussion Thread for July 2024

This thread is for general MapPorn discussion. Exchange ideas, ask for maps, talk about cartography, etc. Have a thought that doesn't fit in another thread, post it here.

Pinnedby mappornmodModerator
The Best and Worst American City Bus Networks shown with Heatmaps (check comments) (OC)
  • Best in stop density - Union city, NJ (133 stops, 40 stops per km2, 1 stop for 500 people)

  • 2nd in stop density and best per person - Syracuse, NY (2060 stops, 31 per km2, 1 stop per 70 people)

  • 3rd in stop density - San Francisco (3478 stops, 28 stops per km2, 1 stop per 232 people)

  • 5th - Washington DC (922 stops, 23 stops per km2, 1 stop per 152 people)

  • 7th - New York City, NY (17847 stops, 23 stops per km2, 1 stop per 458 people)

  • 8th - Philadelphia (8176 stops, 22.4 per km2, 1 stop per 187 people)

  • 9th - Boston (2583 stops, 22.3 stops per km2, 1 stop per 216 people)

  • 10th - Seattle (5573 stops, 21.6 stops per km2, 1 stop per 109 people)

  • "Worst" - Port St. Lucie, FL - (86 stops, .28 per km2, 1 stop per 1914 people)

  • Near Worst - Jonesboro, AR (134 stops, .64 per km2, 1 stop per 502 people)

  • Worst over 500k - Oklahoma City, OK (1226, 1607 per km2, 473 per person)
