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Viewing for the first time tonight. Who is digging the bommy-knocka?Discussion

Not sure if its an Australian thing or not but I remember calling any flail-like weapon a 'BOMMY-NOKKA' as a kid. I think it's a pretty common term in Aus, how bout the rest of the world?

Also, the "fang it!" In furiosa was way more on point than Charlize Theron's go. No hate - It sounded so strange without the Oz accent. Ol mate Rauri Curren would have been stoked.

Furiosa’s mother scene…Discussion

I haven’t really seen anyone talk about how disturbing this scene was. Granted, I’ve seen almost every horror film that exists because I love the genre and I grew up Catholic, so as a kid I was watching “passion plays” with mock crucixions in front of me, so it’s not like I haven’t had exposure. But this scene made me SICK like to my stomach, idk if it’s because I’m now a mom so it hits me worse, or what, but like I didn’t eat for the rest of the day, and when I’ve rewatched the movie I skip that scene. It’s just so awful. I also did not feel satisfied with any kind of justice with Dementus. I know that’s kind of the point but I wanted him to suffer more. I like the idea of the peach tree thing but that even wasn’t enough for me. I’m wondering if I’m the only one or if society is just more desensitized now.

I love the differences in film style that Furiosa and Fury Road haveDiscussion

This is long. Sorry

Of course reading comments online they either talk about how either Fury Road was much better, or that Furiosa “try’s” to copy the same format but falls on its face. (Mainly people who didn’t watch the movie I suppose)

I disagree with both. Fury Road was perfect in its own way, same as this movie imo. There’s certain shots that I keep going back to.

-The original opening pan of “Gastown” at night when they’re sitting on the cliff. I LOVED that.

-Watching the Horde driving around the ridge before they make their first stop to the Citadel.

-The torture period where Dementus is sitting on the roof of his car.

-The 40 Day War breakdown.

There’s many more, little sequences that Miller does, and I don’t really know how to describe it. It kind of, “brings you in” to the wasteland. In a warm fuzzy way. Also, in the theatre the sound quality of the movie and specifically of those bikes when they first snatch Furiosa just sounded amazing for some reason. The deep grubble/base of those shitty bike’s engines in the open desert. When I left the movie I had some weird type of ASMR fix it gave me. And I’ve never had that from other movies, it’s really unique.

Of course the War Rig scene was action at it’s best, but it was the other calmer parts of the movie that I really enjoyed. Miller didn’t just stick to the same gameplan of Fury Road and I’m so thankful for it. He shows he doesn’t have only one way of making a film. Two separate movies, with some of the same characters and world, but completely different styles of the two. You could watch both back-to-back and not get exhausted with them. Whereas if it were two “Fury Road’s”, it would’ve been extremely exhausting to watch them back-to-back imo.

This was one of the best experiences I’ve had watching a movie in theatres. Went twice and have only done that with maybe 1 other movie in my life. Furiosa isn’t perfect, but it’s damn near close

The Immortan has a request...SpoilerMiscellaneous

Of all the warriors assembled here. Choose 1.

I Just Watched the First Mad Max and had a question.SpoilerDiscussion

What was Toecutter and his gang’s motivation for killing Goose and Max’s family? Also, I get that they are trying to get gasoline, but they sure seem to waste a lot of it with the cars they destroy. Overall I enjoyed the film, but felt the pacing was off and some of the character motivations didn’t make sense to me. Thanks for the help!

Furiosa has a similar plot to Conan the BarbarianSpoilerDiscussion

Enslaved as a child by a roving gang who killed their parent(s). Swears revenge on this gang. Grows into adulthood and picks up skills to aid in the revenge. Loses a lover to the gang. Eventually subdues the leader of the gang who says before their death that it is their hatred of the gang leader which sustains them.

What would you want to see in a Mad Max TTRPGDiscussion

Ive been steadily working on a personal project of mine for over a year now i think, a full bells and whistles Mad Max TTRPG complete with a classic mark of the universe, its insane contraptions and the well has not run dry i have to say but i still thought it could be fun to ask you all what sort of ideas you come up with for something like this are

I just wanted to come here today to ask for some input from the community im actually writing this for