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Links for "Lost Episodes" (aka "Where can I get Final Sacrifice/Rocketship X-M/Revenge of the Creature/I Was a Teenage Werewolf/The Amazing Colossal Man/the KTMA episodes?")Message from the Mads

Of course, you can watch most episodes for FREE in the

But there are some episodes for which they do not have the rights. Here are a few ways to find them:

Some users (like Project MSTie or this one) create collections of "lost" MST3K episodes, but these sometimes vanish without warning. In such situations, search for "MST3K" and the title of the episode. (If the title doesn't produce results, try using the episode number instead.) Make sure "movies" is ticked under "Media Type" on the left side of the screen.

(Note: It is particularly difficult to find a stable link for Final Sacrifice due to the persistence of the rights holders to get it removed from wherever it's posted. Creative searching [e.g., using the episode number and not the title] can help, but sometimes you'll just have to wait until it's posted again. [Or hope that it is still available here.])

PS: If these links ever go bad, please message me directly. Thanks.

Edit: Reposting so people can continue to comment.

Pinnedby ety3rdModeratorDon't give no matches to Mikey, you hear!
What’s a random line you find yourself thinking all the time?

For some reason, every time I look at a clock or want to know what time it is, I think of “What times are it?” from… Gamera, I believe? It’s during a scene with multiple clocks on the wall showing different time zones. I don’t know why, but it cracked me up a stupid amount, and I never stopped thinking about it.

How’s about youse guys?

Edit: Thank you, it was Prince of Space, not Gamera!

by NotNamedBortGood Lord, who is this clown
Does MST3Knget proceeds from Tubi ads?

I'm watching The Atomic Brain on Tubi right now. They have the occasional ads. Does that money make its way back to Joel and Co.? Or does Shout Factory get it?

by wydokAm I exploiting my core competencies?
I think The Rebel Set is an underrated episode.

If you agree with me, tell me why.

Riffs that took you a while to get

I was introduced to MST3K when I was about 9 or 10 years old. Naturally while I loved it, I definitely didn’t get a whole lot of their references til years later as an adult.

If it was the same situation for you, what are some of the more obscure references that you didn’t find hilarious until years later as you matured.

One that stands out for me is during the bridal brawl in Manos the Hands of Fate: “You know, this isn’t Lysistrata. I LIKE IT, but it isn’t Lysistrata.”

Another one is when they say: “White Flight!” during the Yikes Stripes song in Teenage Stranger.

Who's the "ugly guy" Mike is referring to? - (Touch of Satan)

At the very beginning of the movie, after referencing the freshness date on his canned wassail, Mike says "have to give that ugly guy a call." I've seen this episode several times but never noticed that riff before. Who is Mike referring to?

Edit: Yes, I'm aware of the "bitter beer face" commercials from the 90s, and for lack of a better explanation that's probably what Mike is referring to. But it doesn't really make sense since in those commercials, the bitter beer face guy IS the guy drinking the bitter beer, not someone you call when your beer is bitter.

Best way to get access to a lot of the content?

I love watching the show at night when i get in bed. Unfortunately the show is on so many different places but with differing seasons on some platforms and then none on others. I see single season DVD’s selling for $25-$30. Not sure I’m looking to spend hundreds of dollars for access to the episodes.

Anyone know a good place to watch them commercial free? Was there a good DVD box set with maybe a mix of some of the best over the years? I like the later episodes. The ones on Netflix are great.

I really wish they would keep doing them. Netflix 100% should’ve continued it. But Netflix doesn’t seem to know what to do anymore.

Thanks for info if you have some! Commercial free is big because at night when I’m in bed going to sleep I can’t stand when a commercial all sudden comes on and is 10 times as loud.

Can't remember which episode has this line...

I'm trying to remember which episode has a certain line; I might be misremembering a joke from Rifftrax instead but I want to be sure. Does anyone know which episode/movie has Mike say something about being on a three-day parade bender?

Honestly, the Forever-a-thon has saved my mental health

I can't be sad, or panicky, or angry when I put this on. I highly recommend it.

Plus, if you rewind, you won't get any ads!

"Riff-worm" of the Day (A Riff that got lodged into your brain all day)

6.1.24 - "Everything I touch turns to flies"*

Context: I was watching a teaser for "The Limey" from a Criterion Channel Insta post. It was a clip featuring the intro of the Peter Fonda character cut to The Hollies' "King Midas in Reverse". Immediately, this riff popped into my head and I laughed out loud. Now, this riff is stuck in my head and I chuckle uncontrollably, until another one jars it out of place.

*From "Girl in Gold Boots" MST3K ep 10.02 - Waitress Michele dancing to Joe Valino's "(Everything I Touched Turned to) Gold.

I'll return and add to this when it happens again.

Feel free to add yours in the replies/comments/whatever, I don't know, I don't use Reddit.


"Skinwalker. Texas Skinranger." just k!llëd me. It was fun while it lasted.

What movie did you see before it was on MST3K?

What movie did you see before it got the MST3K treatment?

  1. I actually saw "Tormented" on one of those old saturday afternoon horror shows. I was a kid, but I remember it because the part where Tom Stewart sees the disembodied head of the girl disturbed me. Oh, and "TOM STEWART KILLED ME! TOM STEWART KILLED ME!"
  2. I saw "Godzilla VS Megalon" in a MOVIE THEATER!
  3. Not kidding...I rented "Pumaman" and "Soultaker" on VHS. I remember Pumaman especially because I somehow ended up with the VHS tape in my ownership. I watched it with a friend and we laughed at how bad it was before we had even heard of MST3K.
  4. "Riding with Death"---yes, its an old 70s TV show disguised s a movie (Gemini Man). I watched the show as a kid because I would watch anything scifi.
  5. Honorable mention- "The Incredible Melting Man". I wanted to see it when it was in a local theater but I couldn't.
Searching for a Title

I’m looking for an old scify episode with Joel that had an alien that looked, walked, and talked like a fat old grandpa in an ape suit. It had to have been a movie out of the 30s to 40s, but I could be wrong on that. Any ideas?