I used to live here until the pandemic happened (I miss this city everyday), and moving out of Los Angeles and into the East Bay made me realize that there are so many things I took for granted when I used to live in LA. I was wondering if others who left LA felt the same way.

To me, there are so many things I took for granted: the weather, the diverse cultures, rich history, etc. Interestingly, however, the one thing I took for granted the most would probably be the people. LA's population gets negatively stereotyped as being "superficial" but I never got that vibe when I lived here, I made so many friends not just from college but from the local communities, in contrast to the Bay Area where so many of the people here feel inauthentic and elitist. I also miss how integrated the communities in LA are, I feel that where I live now there's much more social inequality and segregation.