12 ppl in chat.

  • Hello everyone. When she streams in her office, chat doesn't work. She has to fix it. Also has to move the mic because no one can hear her.

  • She has nothing planned. (I know this is super shocking news. Plz try to control yourselves.) Just chat and a couple of packages. She wanted to open her Ipsy glam bag (is that still a thing? I'm surprised. I was paying $9.99 for it in 2010.) but it didn't come in time.

  • She has her glass of coke right here. (lol, chances of jack mixed into that coke, 100%) She doesn't like drinking it through the straw. wants to just drink it out of the glass.

  • She's been busy working on a really big project for her sims channel. She had a great time with her brother, his gf and new baby + nieces and nephews. Cooked a big meal, opened gifts. Her sister couldn't make it.

  • She thinks $30 for the 5 full size ipsy products is too expensive (lol. Makeup is expensive, Cringey. You wouldn't know because everything you have was gifted to you by some poor, deluded stans.) Says Ipsy is very confusing because you get to pick an item, but only on a certain day. She missed that day so she didn't get to choose. (Maybe check your email every so often, Cringey? How is ipsy confusing?)

  • Still yapping about Ipsy. She's surprised at the lack of makeup subscription boxes. (Um, Cringey, that's because they were super popular a decade ago and ppl aged out of them. You're jumping on the caboose, you dumbass.)

  • Someone asks how dry January is going. She stares straight at the camera and says it's going fine. It's been hard but she's doing it. (lol)

  • Goes back to searching for new beauty boxes. She's super sad that you can't buy E.L.F beauty boxes anymore (yeah, for like 10 years? lol. How is she so freaking late to the beauty box game. That really surprises me.)

  • So much vocal fry happening.

  • Nothing has been going on with her. She hasn't been going out much. Just hanging around at home and taking care of things. (What things?) She's at a very happy place. Her car is also doing well.

  • Talking about her Pleasant Sims thing she wants to do for Sims 4. Talking about her car.

  • She has no plans for anything this week. Yesterday they went on a huge Walmart haul because she was out of everything.

  • Someone asks if FungusAmongUs went back home. She says no he's here right now. (But he's not living there lol)

  • She's making chicken legs tonight because they were out of thighs. This is apparently shocking to her. She has moved away from carnivore and is now eating veggies every single day. She's still monitoring her carbs but it makes her feel better.

  • Talking about the weather. And talking and talking and talking.

  • Has packages she needs to open. She can't seem to open the first one. "You son of a bitch! Somebody glitter bombed me!" (IT'S A GLITTER BOMB LOL and you can see it definitely went all over her because it was super hard to open. I'm dead. Which one of you did that? Hahahaha!!) "You absolute piece of shit. You piece of human garbage. There's glitter all over my office." Gets up and leaves the screen. Her stans are all very upset for her (lol)

  • She went to tell Skeevin and he thought it was hilarious. (way to support her, FungusFace.) She does not think it's funny. She thinks whomever did it is an asshole. It had a sticker that says "Ruin Days" on it. She's gonna close her po box. Not because of this "Well, partially because of this." but she doesn't want to pay for it anymore. (WTF is wrong with you stans? Can't you see she wasn't getting enough gifts??!!)

  • Bitching about the glitter and now trying to guilt trip that "what if it hurts the dogs?" She wishes she didn't open it on stream because she hates having given "this asshole" the satisfaction of seeing the mess. (Definitely got her day ruined lol.) She wants to go leave a review. (LOLOLOL omg. I am dying. Deceased.)

  • She's surprised no one has sent her anything worse than this. (If you intend to send her a bag of dicks or some dog shit, you have two months to do it. Her po box expires in two months. Get hot!!)

  • Whomever sent it, you really pissed her the fuck off. She is super pissed. lol. I wonder if she's going to set this one live? (I'll screen record it and upload it later just in case.)

  • Holds up her phone. It has glitter all over it. (The fact that Skeevey Stevie thinks it's funny must really tweak the shit out of her. Beepeedee meltdown incoming. You need to learn to read the room Skeevin.)

  • She wonders if they will tell her who sent it to her so she has the option to send them something back. (LOL whoever you are, you couldn't have succeeded in irritating the shit out of her more lol) She needs to be working but she can't work with this all over the place. She's going to have to spend her productive time vacuuming. "So congratulations!"

  • Opening another package. Someone sent her LED mushroom lights on a string. She loves them. She wants to put them in the kitchen. There's also a book, something about witches apothecary. There's also a journal.

  • Instantly goes back to bitching about having to spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning.

  • Things are so calm and happy for her right now since the holidays. Except for the glitter bomb (lol.) Brainstorming how to clean it up with her stans (LOLOL omg. I giggle-snorted and scared poor Doodle again.) Glitter is so bad for the environment, y'all! (she's trying to guilt trip ppl lol)

  • She's never going to stop using this channel. She'll always come back to it but it's not very healthy for her. She doesn't look at comments anymore. When she's working on her sims stuff, she's super happy and has time for her life. The positive and supportive comments mean a lot to her but the negative ones, she doesn't care about (LOL sure, Jan.) The supportive comments outweigh the bad ones because she banned a lot of ppl. (now would be the time for introspection, Cringey. Maybe think about what the 'haters' are saying. It's not all negative. There's a lot of good advice you just refuse to hear.)

  • She's in a place where she can't deal with negativity. She wants to move past it. Now she's going off because ppl will not let her change and grow. (LOL) They see her as this one dimensional thing (um, Cringey, honey, that's because you will never change and grow. You just assume some rando dude's personality. That's not changing and growing. Ask your therapist; she'll tell you.)

  • Someone asks if Skeevy is still having his extended slumber party. She says yeah, for the most part. He stays there with her most of the time. She just wants to do what makes her happy and bring her joy. She's not the same person she used to be (she used to be Andy.) That person no longer exists. (She's now Stephen.) Old Cringey is dead and gone.

  • OHMYGAWD she comes sooo fucking close to 'getting it.' She says she feels like when her relationship with A ended, that version of her also ended. (So fucking close.) And now she found out who she is outside of that. (Skeevin lol) She still has issues, but she can see herself more clearly (that's because her new personality has moved in with her lol) She came so close.

  • She's so happy right now. Someone says they hate to see her upset. She says but there are a lot of ppl who do though. There are a lot of ppl who thrive on other ppl's misery. She will not be our misery machine anymore. (Until FungusFace leaves her ass.) She's so much better than she used to be.

  • Talking about moving and getting a house. Her lease is up in 6 weeks (omg. I'm dead. Her planning is...um...lacking?? If she wanted a house, she should have been looking. She should be looking NOW. She's just a helpless little girl waiting on Skeevin to take on everything. Gross.)

  • She keeps going on about how she doesn't understand shitting on others but she does that constantly with the haters. She's always been a touchy little bitch who attacks her stans randomly but apparently she doesn't see that about herself at all. It seems so selfish and sad to be a jerk lol.

  • She's very peaceful right now. She's moving forward. She loves her apartment but she wants a yard for the dogs (so she can completely ignore them.) Someone asks what her finances are like. She says not bad. Not as good as they used to be but not bad. (lol)

  • She and FungusFace have talked about living together but there's no concrete plan (lol, Skeevey doesn't want to commit.) She wants to keep finances separate (LOLOL why do I not believe her at all. I think she means she wants to keep her $ while he spends his lol) She says it's best just in case anything happens. It's easier to disentangle.

  • Talking about broccoli ad nauseam. Talking about weather again.

  • Vocal fry, "I still got a lot to do this afternoon." (She has to clean glitter lol)

  • She's out. Fuck all y'all bitches. She's tired of our shit y'all. She's gotta go. Bye. It didn't ruin her day. It's fine. She'll post on insta and let us know how it went. She's so happy the stans support her. Thanks.