Edit: I really should have explained this better…

  1. Your friend group has a shared chat on discord or whatever
  2. You decide on a place to order food from for delivery or pickup
  3. Everyone looks at the menu on their phones / passes it around
  4. They each put what they want into the chat, this means it’s tied to their names and no one can say “where’s my X” or “I didn’t order that”
  5. The person placing the order goes down the list adding things to the place you are ordering from, when they add the items for that person they respond with an emoji next to it to it to show that it’s been added and hasn’t been missed
  6. When they do a final check of the order it’s a lot easier to see who added what, if they really wanted they could change the emoji to double confirm it’s there.

I’ve done this with large food orders of 10 people or so and it’s great because it means that everyone gets to browse at the same time, the items you want are there stored next to your name and when it’s done you can easily break down the cost of who owes for what.