
I'll give a short review of the yoga 7x with snapdragon x elite after using it for 3 days. For my use case as a software engineer it's practically perfect.

Tldr: I love it, and my experience does not conform with all the negative reviews in regards to battery life and performance. It seems to deliver on what is promised on regular usage (non-gaming, non-benchmark). I only run native software though. It last forever and does not get hot. It's great. For software devs it's mostly great as is as wsl works flawlessly. Windows itself less so.

The review:

I general, it's a great machine. Possibly the best I have ever tried. I own a mbp16 m1 and a xps 15 i7-13700h, so I think I can compare it relatively fairly to other premium products. If what you want to do is office, web browsing, or your app of choice already has been translated to arm, this is probably the best windows machine on the market.

Let's start with the physical build.

The great: Battery life. It easily gets me through a whole day of coding. Haven't gotten it under 40% yet in a day, so can't tell how long a full charge actually lasts, but 12-16 hours of use seems very realistic. From what I've seen so far from the windows power estimation using the standard balanced power config, it's something like this: At full screen brightness while coding/browsing web: 10-11 hours. At half brightness while coding/watching web: 14-16 hours. At low screen brightness it says 20+ hours. I have no reason to believe the above estimates isn't valid. As stated I have not gotten it below 40% charge on a workday, and the device produces 0 heat. For comparison the xps I have to charge 2-3 times a day, usually lasting only 4-5 hours with my usage and gets warm. The macbook is very similar to the snapdragon, but the snapdragon is cooler to the touch.

Performance: it feels very fluid, and animations is instant like Mac, even on battery, which is very nice.

Heat: there is none. It's great. Even whilst downloading/installing things. Fan noise: there is none. It's great. Pretty sure they have not kicked in even once yet.

Keyboard: best I have ever tried. Easily beats my mbp and xps 15. It's so damn satisfying. Can't really put words on it.

Screen: it's amazing. I would say better than the mbp, but I think this is subjective. It's damn pretty, and very bright.

Weight: it's weirdly light. Don't know how to describe it exactly. You expect it to weigh something judging by its looks, but it just don't.

General aluminium casing: it's very stiff and very premium feeling.

Okay things:

Trackpad is fine. Not amazing, not bad. Just fine. Speakers is fine. Not amazing. Not bad. Just fine.

The bad:

QC. The hinges creeks everytime the lid is opened.

Let's talk about software compatibility:

For office and web, it just works. Aside from that much software is not yet ready for windows on arm. For a developer, it's actually not bad because wsl2 works very well and everything can just be run there as Linux for arm is rock solid. Coding in native windows is horrible atm. Docker does not have a native app yet, pygame doesn't work and much more does not work. I have many more examples, but I just gave up on running programs in windows. Basically, if your app of choice has been translated, or you can run programs using wsl, it's great. I don't know about the translation layer, haven't needed it.