
So this question is for those who were around back in 1984, who actually watched the Grammy Awards on TV and read all the gossip later on.

My assumption is that people concluded that MJ & Brooke were dating, and that Brooke was essentially invited to the show to establish that fact. I'm just wondering what people thought of the fact that MJ brought a 12 year old Emmanual Lewis with him, too? Did any of you at the time, question anything about that?

Former FBI special agent, Jim Clemente, mentioned on a podcast that this was the very first time he suspected MJ had an unhealthy interest in children. He essentially stopped being a MJ fan after this all went down.

Diane Dimond mentioned in an interview that she thought it was strange at the time, that MJ and Brooke were made to look like a couple at the ceremony, with Emmanual Lewis inbetween the two.