Hello everyone I am very new to this sub Reddit as well as being a landlord. I’ll get right to it, I have a house I’m renting and I recently found out my tenant charges people 50$ every football game to park on my property. That park on the front lawn the backyard and stuff cars into the driveway. I texted him very upset saying this isn’t allowed and at first he lied saying it was his friends car but then admitted saying yes he charges and he won’t park on the front anymore. I was always wondering why my grass was always dead and destroyed even when I try to fix it. I charge him way below the average rent as he’s been there years and it’s difficult to find renters. What should I do, I’m worried that I have a big problem on my hands.

TLDR: tenant charges people to park on my front lawn and backyard. I don’t want him to do any of this and just be a normal renter. What do?

EDIT: Thank you all so much for the advice. I have read through what everyone said and have contacted a lawyer just to write up a cease and desist and will be writing up a new lease to protect myself from any future cases that may be similar. Thank you all again so much! (Ps I will continue to read any new comments :) )