Put up a banger tonite, chef's. I'ma put this one in the books.

Had a rough day. Closed last night, early meeting with the owners this morning, had to have one of those rough convos with a really good employee, my foh manager quit with no notice, somebody drinking the liquor, chervil looked like poop when delivered today, a stage that we all liked declined my offer, my dishwasher was on one, my sous could not keep anything off the floor and decided a busy service was the time to address his problems with one of my servers... Y'all know... One of those days.

But. I did put this plate out for my market fish tonite. Could not have been more on point for the season, the weather, peak ingredients, how the sauce spread on the plate... Just, everything was right with this dish tonite. Made my day better whenever it printed on the chit.

Pan seared flounder, dry roasted okra, sweetie drop peppers, butter poached snails, pea and mint puree for sauce.