TW: Self harm, physical abuse, suicidal ideation

Mom texted me some bullshit therapy stuff from Instagram today. Someone who said that "forgiveness isn't free, it costs something". I texted back, "you realize I'm the one paying, right?" She said, "I thought I was paying." I'm gonna copy and paste messages cause it's easier.

Me: "According to this video, the price of forgiveness is paid by the one doing the forgiving. What have I done that requires forgiveness? All I did was set boundaries and ask that you give me some grace, treat me like you treat others. You hit me, screamed at me, used me as your personal therapist, and continuously put me down. You've gotten better, and I've paid dearly for my forgiveness. But you keep showing me that you don't understand what that cost me."

Mom: "If you want to hang on to all that then there is nothing I can do. You were spanked rarely as discipline and I remember slapping you once. It's up to you how much weight you put on that in your life. I've done my best to try and understand you and get you the help we needed. And I have repeatedly apologized. And do you really believe that all the problems lie with me? That you and your behavior didn't contribute to the situation?"

(She's never apologized. She hit me a lot more than once. The "behavior" she's speaking of was me cutting myself and backtalking.)

Me: "I was a kid. I didn't know any better. I have developmental trauma that still affects me to this day. And you didn't "slap me once", you dragged me out of the car by my hair after hitting me multiple times.

Here's the thing that gets me. You're no different than Dad. There's nothing more important to you than not admitting that you're wrong. Not even me. You aren't sorry. You say you love me, but if I were still sixteen, you would still be slapping me. Because you still think I deserve it. The only reason you don't hit me anymore is because you know you can't get away with it. That's not love.

There were more times that you hit me than just those two. I'm not surprised you don't remember. "The axe forgets, but the tree remembers."

You never hit [sister] as much as you hit me, because she told you she would hit back. And because she was bigger than you. But I wasn't.

I remember you hitting me after I tried to kill myself. You pinned me down so I couldn't get away."

I typed all this and it really hit me how bad I had it. I spent my teen years saying I was being abused. Then when I got older I thought, maybe it wasn't abuse. I'm being dramatic. Maybe I was overreacting. I did talk back a lot. I did resist. I wasn't always nice. She didn't hit me that much, or call me names. What were they supposed to do? Maybe I did deserve it.

But when I look at the above, I realize that there is no excuse. I can't imagine hitting someone, no matter how frustrated I am. Especially not a kid.

I don't know. There's a knot in my chest and in my throat that won't loosen. I love my mom, and I think I keep hanging on to a relationship with her because I can't accept that she's the kind of person who would think like this. I know she can be kind, and insightful. There's an urge to minimize it again. I keep feeling that I need to say that I'm dramatizing, I'm being too literal or too sensitive. Or maybe it's all been a terrible misunderstanding. But if it was a misunderstanding, why hasn't she apologized? Why does she keep talking over me and putting me down and telling me that SHE needs to forgive ME? Why doesn't she act like she loves me?
