I went against the advice of everyone when I posted on this subreddit about it and bought the game physically for the switch. All the complaints about “oh you have to beat a five hour tutorial to unlock Deep In Abyss which had the deeper gameplay” or “framerate issues galore” or “it’s ass” don’t appear to be the case at least with the updates I downloaded before playing. Right off the bat I could play Deep in Abyss, and 16 hours in I have yet to encounter a single framerate drop. Is the gameplay still frustratingly hard? Yes but I expect that from a rogue-like dungeon crawler based on an anime which is known for being brutal and unforgiving. I’m posting this because the initial complaints about this title don’t appear to be warranted anymore and it deserves a fair shot. I still think it’s a niche title and it’s not for anyone wanting to play a casual rpg, but it’s not “bad” like the reviews it’s been given. Voice acting is bad but I can look past that. If you say it’s bad because it’s hard though, you should play something else.

The other complaint I think that was unwarranted was about how it’s from Spike Chunsoft. Umm excuse me? They’re known for dungeon crawlers and it appears they branched out in that genre with this game to give a higher challenge. So what? They actually listened to and addressed all complaints with the game to make it better. How many companies can you say will do that on their dime?