If you’re pro Israel or pro Palestine what are criticisms you have for your side?

I’ll go with things I’ve seen on both sides to make it equal

Pro Israel side:

1) doing the atrocity denial with Palestinians deaths which can include the pallywood stuff or not believing that Gazans aren’t having a humitarian crisis because of the type of food they’re eating in abundance or because they don’t look malnourished

2) mocking the deaths of Palestinians just because they supported October 7th. My bf who’s pro Palestine (anti Hamas) was telling me about how I should still have compassion for them losing a family member even if they’re a piece of shit by supporting October 7th or doing Israeli rape denial

3) calls for glassing Gaza or killing them all or demonizing all Arabs or Palestinians. I’ve seen a sign that says kill them all that circled around pro Palestine twitter sparking outrage and idk what pro Israel rally it was but the sign is disgusting

4) treating the conflict like its team sports where your side has to be defended even if they’re wrong or thinking your side isn’t capable of spreading misinformation

5) Assuming every pro Palestine person or labeling all the rallies as pro Hamas or a person as anti semitic. My bf is pro Palestine and anti Hamas and he’s against the extremist chants like intifada, or pro Palestine orgs that supported October 7th he even argued that the protests should have been banned that day.

Pro Palestine side:

1) supporting Hamas or allowing for anti semitism to seep into your messaging for Palestine or denying Israelis are raped

2) making fun of the hostages or denying the rapes of Israelis and claiming it’s propaganda and how bad spreading propaganda while spreading the propaganda that the idf raped people at Al shifa hospital when the women who told the story admitted she made it up and you don’t retract or just treating your side as the only side who doesn’t spread misinformation

3) calls for ethnic cleansing Israelis or treating Israelis as being uniquely racist or calls for decolonizing Israel or wiping Israel off the map

4) treating the conflict like it’s team sports and defending your side no matter what or treating palestinians like they’re angels that can do no wrong or the intifada chants, resistance is justified or any other similar slogan

5) blanket labeling Zionists as if they’re a monolith, there’s different kinds of Zionists and they’re not all Itamar Ben Gvir level unhinged there’s reasonable Zionists and reasonable pro Palestine people, even if you disagree with them on things you can still see that their heart is in the right place and they want peace you might think they’re misguided at points is all

Forgot one more point for both but using this conflict as an excuse for your hatred of Jews or Muslims. For example I know an edl supporter (Tommy Robinson’s group) who will say things about Hamas that are true then go into how he doesn’t care about Gazans, rant about Muslims in Europe, I’ve seen Nick Fuentes a neo Nazi say the humitarian crisis in Gaza is awful (true) then he’ll say blacks and Muslims are realizing how bad and how the Jewish media is suppressing information and I’m like okay