Indigenous: a place for statements, truths, events and Occurrences

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Hair Products

Hello and good day.

I recently found out that am native american and have the dry hair and scalp after a shower. Once it's completely dry head starts to itch. No dandruff just very dry.

Looking for hair products for shower and after care. I was using tea tree but got to expensive just for one bottle.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Beader scammed single mom almost a thousand

Firstly, I’m keeping the beader anonymous and I know this isn’t a help-forum but if I put this anywhere else I’m sure they’ll all just say to take legal action. I really don’t want to do that because she’s a mother. I’m sorry to bring down the mood of this thread and understand if this posts gets deleted.

Alright so in 2021 I met with a woman who agreed to bead me a full set of jingledress beadwork. My kokum was the one who introduced us. I gave her tobacco and we discussed what I had in mind. I thought we really connected and I saw no red flags.

It’s 2024 now and she hasn’t completed the moccasins or leggings. Not only that but she does not respond to my messages and doesn’t have a solid number for me to message. She also always says she’s going to drop them off but then doesn’t. She responds to my kokum but has been lying to her. When she gave me my beadwork (minus the leggings and moccasins) they were unfinished and I had to learn how to put clips and hide on the hair-ties and such.

My mom is a single mom and we can’t afford most luxuries. She really had to make it work to pay for this set. At this point I just want my moccasins and leggings and for it to be over with, especially since the set is so close to being done. I have been wanting to dance again for so long. I don’t want to go to the police because even though she’s done me dirty the police will mistreat her. However, I know she is not struggling as my kokum says she’s been going on trips to Las Vegas, etc.

Does anyone have any words of advice?

Would it be appropriate to identify as two-spirited despite being whitewashed?

im sorry if this is worded weird im not sure how to word this- for context my tribe is Coharie but I've never fully been into traditional things other than powwows as a child because I was raised by my mother who is white (of Irish descent) and the indigenous genes from my father were mixed with scotch-irish but in figuring out my gender i stumbled upon two-spirit and i feel as if it fits me more than nonbinary or any other gender terms another thing is i am learning more about my indigenous culture lack of better words as i get older and was curious about this

Writing a Inuit character

I'm white and I'm currently writing a fantasy book set in billion of years in our future but in a medieval setting. I have a character who was born in today Greenland and I'm worried that I'm doing something wrong so let me explain a little bit. In my world there's a lot of different species and the one who are important rn are the witches. The witches are people who can control plants and speak to certain animals and when they come of age at nineteen they get tattooed. I haven't exactly figured what kind of tattoo because I can't draw but in my mind it change for every country and you can usually guess where someone is from just by looking at their tattoos. The handy thing is the shame tattoos (I still haven't got a name for it) ,when a witch turned 19 and felt like they betrayed their country,their home or some other things they get the shame tattoos.The shame tattoos are built on betrayal,shame and guilt and getting it as a witch is a sign that you're very aware of your wrong doing and even if the other witchs strongly respect you for that you will not be accepted into witches community's which is a big part of their culture and you will have to live with other species or by yourself.Unlike the other tattoos, the shame tattoos are universal,they all look( approximately )the same. ANYWAYS the thing is that my grenlandic character (that I named Nuka) is one of these shame witches and since I didn't realize until recently that actual traditional tattoos are very important in Inuit culture so the whole thing could be perceived as offensive and if that's the case I'm extremely sorry. I originally wanted to play it off by him saying to the mc that "where I come from everyone got tattoos not only the witches" but when I read the passage I was like "something is wrong about this." English is not my first language and this is the first time that I'm using Reddit,I'm open to any suggestions and sorry again if I offended anyone it wasn't at all my intentions

Advice on kachina dolls

So my great aunt used to collect indigenous art and my mom and I took what was left of her collection when her sister passed. (A few kachina dolls and some needlework portraits)

We are at a loss for what to do with all of it. They are beautiful pieces but we don’t feel like we should keep since we are of the unlined paper variety of human and we can’t guarantee they were gotten in an ethical way.

Are there any suggestions for either finding the groups they belong to and/or returning them outright or at least to a museum? Open to other options as well

Seeking Information on Congressional Debates During Civil War Reconstruction Regarding Native American Rights

Hey all, I'm currently delving into the history of the Civil War Reconstruction era, with a focus on the legislative debates and actions concerning civil rights. There's a wealth of information available on the debates regarding the 14th Amendment and the rights of Black Americans, but I'm particularly interested in the context of the ways in which Native Americans were discussed within these congressional debates, in which there is far less material. Does anyone know if there are clear records of congressional debates during the Reconstruction period that specifically address the rights and equality of Native Americans? I'm curious to know what extent Native Americans were included in the broader discussions about the 13th, 15th, and particularly the 14th Amendment, and what specific issues or rights were debated in this context.

Any guidance on where to find these records, insights, or even research(books) on this topic would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help!

Trying To Reconnect

Hello, this will be my first time on here since I keep hitting walls and I really need and just want to be able to properly reconnected.

My heritage is specifically Shawnee. I won't be getting into anything beyond that but I was hoping maybe some people on reddit knew of some good sources to hit up. I've checked all three of the tribes websites but I'm not even sure who I should contact about these kinds of things. I also struggle to find any spaces for people reconnecting. If anyone knows good ways to get more properly connected with the community outside of stuff like working on trying to learn the language to what is available and studying and properly learning about the history of the Shawnee people. My situation with documentation is messy and due to that I can't properly figure out if any past family members were on rolls. Is it best to hire a genealogist, maybe find more specific groups? Idk

Working on an art project

I'm working on an art project, and I'm... Stuck.

Not so much for ideas... For permission I guess.

I want to make an art installation piece for MMIW2IS, but I need to reach out to the families.

And there's where I'm stuck.

How. How do you reach out to someone about something so delicate? I feel so awkward, and confused about where to go from here.

I'm nearly finished the piece for my family member. And the blanks pieces I ordered for other sculptures are coming in a few days.


I got so excited, I ordered ten. I have no one to add to the project yet. If anyone can offer me guidance or suggestions or really any kind of advice, I'd appreciate it, because I'm about to have to justify 10 styrofoam heads to my husband...

Did any founders of US actually consider the idea of indigenous sovereignty?

Hey all, obviously I know that the founders were horrible on native issues, but there were some differences between some of them, did any of them advocate for indigenous sovereignty to the level that we see today?

Guidance /support for a newly discovered Afro-indigenous person

Hello I am a black person with native ancestry. I have struggled to claim it and feel valid bc it’s more down the line. So my percentage is small , and I did not grow up as a native person or with connection to native culture. And also I know it can be discrimination/erasure of Afro indigenous people. So that all had discouraged me from learning more and claiming the identity. But I’ve reflected and realize I’m valid. I’m not defined by a percentage. And denying my heritage, is denying my ancestors and history . And why do I have to go by reductive colonialist views of race , identity? I am allowed to explore this. And also I’ve learned from others, that being native is more about being connected to the culture, than your percentage. I have indigenous ancestry, and recently learned more through genealogy . I learned the tribe my great great grandmother was from was Creek, and about some of our past relatives. She grew up on a reservation, then left, and that’s where the connection ended . And I just want to know where to go from here? I would like to reconnect to my indigenous heritage but idk much or have any relatives/community to learn from. I would like to have community and a connection to that culture/tribe, and learn more. But that is complicated bc my native ancestry is down the line, and also I have no direct connection to the culture or native relatives . Thats all I want. I don’t care about getting benefits or native citizenship, or being seen largely as native, I just want to be connected to my culture and community. So any resources or guidance would be helpful. Thank you.

Questions abt my heritage?

So basically I did a dna test and I'm 1/4 native. It's cus my dad is half cus of my gma who is full? Is it reasonable to call myself mixed? For context I was born in Mexico and moves to the US when I was 1. I've also always been involved in mexican culture.

Obvi I'm willing to learn abt indigenous culture and in researching where my gma came from.

Looking for Urban Indigenous Youth to share perspectives on Traditional Wellness


I am an Indigenous graduate student at UBC currently working on my Masters project and am interested in hearing from urban Indigenous youth about their experiences participating and accessing traditional wellness within urban settings. My master's research focuses on bridging urban and land-based wellness for urban Indigenous youth and I am reaching out to invite Indigenous Youth to participate in this project.

The aim of my research project is to understand perspectives and experiences of urban Indigenous youth in connecting and accessing traditional wellness within urban settings. As a part of this study, I am interested in gathering perspectives and insights from urban Indigenous youth and their community about access to traditional wellness and culture within urban settings. I am hosting multiple sharing circles to capture perspectives from both youth and community. We will host a virtual youth sharing circle and in-person youth sharing circle led by Elder to understand youth experiences and create lasting positive change.

I have attached posters with more information for each circle, please feel free to share this with those you think would be interested.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you are interested in learning more about the research project or would like to discuss potential participation further.

Thank you for considering this invitation. I look forward to potentially learning from you and your community!

With care and kindness,




Help with status card

I'm in the process of applying for my status card but I've recently gotten married and changed my last name which isn't the last name I used to apply for registration of native status

Now I'm filling out the application and wondering if this is going to cause issues going forward? I was planning to mail this in but maybe I need to go in person now

I really appreciate any help on this matter. Thank you in advance!!

Robinson Huron Treaty (RHT) Payments (Ontario, Canada)

Does anyone know if the treaty payments (that will be distributed to members of the 21 RHT bands) will be considered taxable income?

Looking for Indigenous Community Members to share perspectives on Traditional Wellness


I am an Indigenous graduate student at UBC currently working on my Masters project and am interested in hearing from urban Indigenous youth about their experiences participating and accessing traditional wellness within urban settings. My master's research focuses on bridging urban and land-based wellness for urban Indigenous youth and I am reaching out to invite Indigenous community members to participate in this project and share insights.

The aim of my research project is to understand perspectives and experiences of urban Indigenous youth in connecting and accessing traditional wellness within urban settings. As a part of this study, I am interested in gathering perspectives and insights from urban Indigenous youth and their community about access to traditional wellness and culture within urban settings. I am hosting multiple sharing circles to capture perspectives from both youth and community. We will host youth sharing circles to hear youth voices, but will also host a community circle to hear from Indigenous Peoples involved within youth services about how we can better support access for youth from a more professional/working lens.

I have attached a poster with more information for the circle, please feel free to share this with those you think would be interested.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you are interested in learning more about the research project or would like to discuss potential participation further.

Thank you for considering this invitation. I look forward to potentially learning from you and your community!

With care and kindness,

