Six Feet Under...I know, I know, ok, Chris is a pussy ass bitch and they are a bland death metal band but I can't get enough of them and they surprisingly have albums I liked a lot but they also destroyed my music my favorite Death metal bands are still Obituary, Deicide, and Unleashed hell Six Feet Under isn't even in my top ten but they are just mindless Unga Bunga death metal to jam out to a let my fucking anxiety go away and that I can play if I am not feeling certain bands that day. The new album put me on a fucking binge of every album and while they have a fuck load of hot garbage albums there are like 7 or 8 albums I really dug. Also why tf did Barnes think the Graveyard classics were a good idea? They sound awful also the albums I like/enjoy are Haunted, Warpath, Maximum Violence, 13, Commandments, Undead, Unborn, Killing For Revenge (his voice sounds much better than it did on every thing after unborn but it's not great on some songs)