Because rock climbing is for hippies

r/iceclimbing12.3K subscribers7 active
How do you deal with sweat?!

Regular climber here. Something just dawned me: how do you deal with sweat?? You just don't wear enough to ever be warm so you never sweat in the first place?? Or is it some black magic clothes?

I imagine regular polar explorers just add or remove layers as they go. But you guys are climbing...

Om, my best guess is that you remove layer just before climbing and then put it on just after?


Nomic update coming?

Anyone have any idea when Petzl might next update the Nomic? I think the last update was 2018 so maybe it’s about time for another one? Any chance they’ll strengthen the attachment point for tethers which seems to be one of the biggest gripes about the current Nomic?

Where to go ice climbing in Europe?

I've never done ice climbing before. Does anyone know of some good guided tours in EU that I should look into as a beginner? I prefer just to be thrown into it and learn as I go under pressure.

Late August/September Ice Climbing in Northern Scandinavia?

I am going to have a few days to kill in late August and early September in Northern Scandinavia, so I was wondering if there is any decent ice to climb there that time of year around Tromso area? But I can also drive a few hours to find ice.

Joe Josephson - Waterfall Ice (pls read if you have a copy)

Hello - desperately looking to source the above guidebook as a gift for my ice-and-guidebook obsessed partner. Please get in touch if you have a copy you could be persuaded to part with. Thank you!


I’m looking to build a hangboard solely for the purpose of training with ice tools, what would you reccomend I feature on it, maybe varying depths for picks or similar? Any reccomendations would be amazing, thanks in advance!

Still ice in USA Rockies?

Hey all! I’m about to roadtrip from Tucson, AZ up to Alaska. Only mandatory stop is Bozeman, MT in late May.

Does anyone have recommendations for places that may have ice or mixed climbing still along the way? Or some drytooling even? Bonus points if you’re along the path and want to go out together to show me your fave place.

Dry tooling gloves?

Hi all,

newbie here looking for some dry tooling gloves, i've seen golf gloves are popular but cant find any in a pair, or a left and right individually that are the same. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance

Ice tool grip tape

The tape on the handles of my tools have had a good run but it's about time to re-wrap them.

Besides custom ice tool tape like Edelrids Grip Tape, what other options are there. I'm not seeing many made for ice tools.

What luck have people had with cycling bar tape, racket handle tape, or golf club tape like Alien Pro?

Hoping to hear what you used and the pro/cons of how things worked for you. TIA

Ice tools/picks strength testing

Message me if you want to contribute (donate gear to be broken)

In the next two months I'm planning to break some tools and picks. Primarily I'm curious about the strength of 1/ lower pommel 2/ clip-in point 3/ lateral strength of the entire lower handle, 4/ strength of the upper shaft in a stein pull. Hopefully all 4 measurements can be done using a single tool.

For picks I plan to measure 1/ strength of the tip in a stein 2/ strength of the entire pick in a stein 3/ strength of the pick in a 50mm deep crack. I will only test a) grivel force/jetb/krukonogi/morpho b) aspeed c) petzl picks.

Mixed axes

Whilst not specifically ice climbing related, what’s everyone’s top picks for a mixed technical axe that can have picks swapped out to ice? Preferably not insanely expensive, so no more than £400 for a pair. Thanks in advance

Ice Axe Design Feedback

I recently just got interested in Ice climbing, and as such I've been kind of curious about designing an ice axe as either a personal or capstone project for school. I just wanted to generally ask people their thoughts on general features and designs of axes such as what style blade, handle grip, shaft angle, eyelet, and spike they may prefer and for what reasons. I'm trying to collect some data on what types of features are important to implement and get a general idea over what people want and care about in their tools. Thanks.

Stas’s solo link up of la Pomme, la loutre & la Ruee is tied with Honnold’s el cap solo with or at the very least 2nd greatest climbing achievement of all time. Change my mind

Edit* After being achooled in ice history my mind is changed lol. Still ridiculously impressive nonetheless and maybe the most impressive ice feature since Marc Andre’s free solo link ups on the Stanley headwall

Advice on the Petzl Lynx

I was looking into the Petzl Lynx as my first crampons that I could use to dabble in a bit of general mountaineering, dry-tooling, mixed and ice climbing. I really like that they are so configurable from a more glacier travel oriented crampon all the way to a mono point climbing crampon. Does anybody have any experience with these. (I will probably be using them with my Sportiva Aequilibriums, which I know have a lot of flex). Any tips would be welcome!

Ice climbing at the 1999 X-Games

I stumbled upon this) today, an archive of the X-games medal history on It looks like Ice Climbing (Difficulty) was an event from at least 1997-1999, and has some legendary names on the podium.

This is extremely cool, but for the life of me I cannot find any media (photos, videos, etc) of these events. This was from before I was born, and while I consume all of the classic mountaineering films, books, etc. I am extremely curious to see what this competition looked like.

If anyone know where I should look, please let me know. If you remember these events, tell us what you recall.

Ice Rock Spark ice tool

Curious if anybody has used the Ice Rock Spark ice tool? I'm seeing very different reports of the actual weight of the tool from reviews online, does anyone have a tool that they can weigh and report the true weight?