
r/Hostinger1.2K subscribers4 active
AMP won't upgradeHelp

I'm currently trying to upgrade to however it keeps restarting and staying the version

Is a VPS absolutely necessar for docker (react project)?Question

Hello everyone, so im asking if I can deploy my docker image on a simple shared host or i absolutely need a VPS. Im planning to take a shared host plan from hostinger.


Minecraft serve no showing upHelp

Hey! 3 days ago I buyed a hosting suscription for a minecraft server. I have done everything that the tutorials says, my forge version is right, the mods are up, server is update and working. But then, when I go in to minecraft and try to add the server to my server list, it simply won't show, just an "Can't connect to the server" message and a "Conection refused: no further information". You guys have any solution, it's been 3 wasted days already and I cannot making it work, it's just sl frustrating. Thanks in advance

Hostinger Auto Email Reply is not working with our website forms.Question

We have three form in our website and all have same “To” email that we have configured in auto email reply settings. But problem is that auto reply doesn’t work with the form. It works when you send email from somewhere else like from Gmail; but when you enter details using forms, it doesn’t work. How to fix this.

Cache ManagerQuestion

Hi u/HostingerCOM

Under Advanced there is a function called Cache Manager that ain't that well documented in terms of technical explanation on the page.

What it says is:

"Get superior performance and improve SEO for your website by using the Cache.
Cache works by storing static content of websites on extremely high-speed cache servers. This allows to bypass PHP requests and render every page as fast as possible.
The cache is being cleared every 30 minutes."

It all sounds really good but could you guys take a minute or two to explain what kind of stack/software is being activated in the background and what it does? and if it is recommended to turn it on for Wordpress?

Thank you!

Slow responseHelp

I recently paid for web hosting, which should include the domain and professional email. Since it was taking ages to process, I ended up paying for another domain. So far, I haven't received a response from Hostinger's support team regarding a refund for the second domain. There’s also been no progress on the initial one I paid for. Can you help?

Domain redirect SecurityQuestion

It’s been twice or even thrice when my redirects to Hostinger have been compromised. This evening as well and you guys seem to think that is ok.

If someone uses my domain to scam someone I will be held liable as it is registered in my name.

Hostinger will then get sued as well as they compromised my domain by releasing it to someone else on their server.

Don’t you guys have a built in authentication system?

"Failed to login to remote instance. Token Rejected" Error Message when launching a Minecraft Server instanceHelp

I am unable to find a solution to the error message and I am unable to click "Manage" as well.

This helpful thread managed to solve the issue.

My dashboard is lacking MANY featuresHelp


Am I being silly? Every video and tutorial I've seen the dashboard looks completely different, with file manager and other features meanwhile this is what mine looks like for both my websites...

Form submissions to somewhere other than HostingerHelp

Hi all,

I'm wanting to create a subscribe mailing list but it looks like the only option is to send the data to hostinger itself and not externally like a google sheets, airtable ect.

Any ideas?

Temporary domain to subdirectoryQuestion

I’ve come up with a website using a temporary domain by hostinger and wanted to assign it under as sub-directory (eg. www. xyz. com/training_module) would it be possible?

Do I need to transfer my domain to Hostinger in order to use their web hosting services?Question


I have html files of my site working great locally; my domain name is currently registered. I'm now looking for web hosting services. I couldn't find the answer online - sorry if I missed it - but am I able to keep my domain registration separate from the hosting? Or am I required to transfer it to use the web hosting services?

Also, what methods are available to send the html files to the server when I make updates?


SSL issuesHelp

So what is going on with SSL failing to work when you have 3rd party DNS management and you also have AAAA records - I have like 10 clients who had issues with SSL failing and as soon as I remove AAAA records, it's all fine...

Website always showing 'coming soon page'Help

Hello, I have been building a website for a week or so and have it set up. I will add more content as I go but I cannot get rid of the 'coming soon' landing page. I try through WP Admin and it shows my homepage and I have tried all the solutions online to no luck. Any help/advice welcome!

Temporary domainQuestion

I began learning WP a year ago. I own 2 domains on Hostinger, my personal one and one for our family genealogy. I've been with Hostinger for about a year now. Am retired with old school HTML skills from the '90s so this is a "returning" hobby for me.

Earlier this month, a friend asked if I could help her move her website from Jimdo to Hostinger. I explained we/she could transfer her domain but I would need to build the website from scratch on a different web host.

So I am wondering if I can use the Hostinger temporary domain to build a website for her over the next month or so and then when done, she would sign up for her own Hostinger account, transfer her domain from Jimdo to Hostinger and we could then move the website from my Hostinger account to hers.

Is that how the process works?

Helping friends with websites is a hobby in my retirement years, I'm not a professional. I've helped create websites on various platforms but this is my first foray into creating a WP site for someone else. What's the best way to do something like this?

I know I can build a WP site on my computer but I need it to be hosted online so that my friend can also log in to monitor it's development and make changes. I will be teaching her how to update the various areas. I will be turning the website over to her. I won't be managing it for her.

Reading older threads/posts, one made mention of Hostinger's temporary domain expiring in 5 days. I requested a temporary domain on my Hostinger account 10 days ago and can't find anything indicating it will expire. I haven't started creating the website and the last thing I want is to have it disappear just when it's ready to be transferred to her account.

Subdomain nameserver delegation not supported ?Question

I manage a domain (just the DNS, no hosting or anything) on Hostinger.

I wanted to create a subdmoain with it's own separately managed DNS server The idea is to create a subdomain under a domain I manage under which I could quickly create and update DNS records without having to use the control panel. These records will be meant for internal services and will point to local (non-public) IPs.
I did use such subdomain delegations before on other hosting providers, mostly to get trusted SSL certificates for internal services and never had any issues.

But found out that I can't create DNS delegations for subdomains in Hostinger even though they are listed as a record type in dropdown when creating DNS records !

As an IT person and a developer, I just wanted to know what is the reason behind such a limitation ?

Also, if you do not support adding the NS record type to a zone, why it's in the dropdown list ? This is very misleading.
Also, the error message when attempting to create an NS record for a subdomain is misleading as well.

My only solution right now seems to be to move the entire domain which I manage (instead of just a subdomain) to my own DNS servers. I am going to do this as the project I'm working on requires having a domain with self-managed DNS.

background not displaying on other's devicesHelp

I've changed the background sections of my website to black, but when other's look at the site, it's back to it's default white background. So I logged back in and the backgrounds look black, and the background selection is black. I made sure I saved and updated the site, checked to make sure I'm editing in other tabs or windows or devices; and cleared my cache as well. But the problem persists. Other's see a white background on my site, and I see a black background. Any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it?

Change Minecraft Server VersionHelp

How do I change the version of minecraft my server is on. I had it at 1.20.4 and need to downgrade it to 1.8.8. I can't find a way to change the JAR. I have it set to spigot 1.8.8 but the server wont change even after updating.

Need help delegating Subdomain to different NameServersAnswered by Hostinger

Hey, I'm not sure if this is possible. I'm seeing resources online that tell me it is possible to do but I'm not having any luck doing it in hostinger. Contacted support, and was told it's not possible. Please help me figure this out or find another solution.

So say I have my domain ""

And I create a Subdomain ""

I need to delegate that Subdomain to: - - - -

So I try to add NS records:

Type: NS Name: abc Target: TTL: 1 hour

And it fails.

This is what I'm apparently supposed to do according to Salesforce (it's their NameServers)

But it doesn't work in hostinger.

Did I misunderstand? Is it simply not possible?

Appreciate any help, advice, or alternative solutions.

Thank you.

Mobile appsQuestion

Newb question but are there any mobile apps (android) you'd recommend for building / managing a hostinger hosted webstore?

Is it normal for a no visitor website to be so slow on Hostinger?Help

Hello everyone,

I am currently using hostinger to host my site, and I am subscribing to their premium plan (shared host). The website is still on building so it has no active visitor at the moment

But even so, it often lacking and feels very slow when accessing wp-admin. Even opening page takes more than 5 seconds, sometimes more than 10 seconds.

What causes this? Is it my wordpress is broken? Or hostinger is just very bad?

My site is

I am using woodmart theme without additional web builder

Need help with email migrationAnswered by Hostinger

A friend of mine has been using the hostinger professional email service for a year but there are some issues here and there. He wants to switch to Microsoft for the emails completely. How can that be done?

Help Needed: Persistent 403 Forbidden Error After Configuring DNS and SSL for Canva IntegrationAnswered by Hostinger

Hello Reddit community,

I'm reaching out for help with an issue that's been bugging me for a while now. I'm trying to configure my domain ( to point to Canva, but I'm running into persistent problems. Here’s the full situation:

  1. Domain Provider: Hostinger
  2. Current Setup:
    • A records for @ (root domain) and www point to as required by Canva.
    • TXT record for Canva domain verification is correctly set and shows as "Connected" on Canva.
    • SSL certificate (ZeroSSL) is installed and active.
    • DNS records verified multiple times for accuracy.
Current DNS Settings:
TXT_dmarc0"v=DMARC1; p=none"3600
CAA@00 issuewild ""14400
CAA@00 issuewild ""14400
CAA@00 issuewild ""14400
CAA@00 issuewild ""14400
CAA@00 issue ""14400
CAA@00 issue ""14400
CAA@00 issue ""14400
CAA@00 issue ""14400
TXT@0"v=spf1 ~all"3600
Problems Encountered:
  1. Canva Verification:
    • Canva shows the A record for the root domain (@) as "Not Found" and status is "Pending".
    • A record for www is "Connected".
  2. Website Access:
    • When accessing the website, I get a "403 Forbidden" error.
    • I accidentally deleted the .htaccess file but have since recreated it with basic settings.
Steps Taken So Far:
  1. Verified DNS Settings:
    • Double-checked that A records for @ and www point to
  2. Checked File Permissions:
    • Ensured directories have 755 permissions and files have 644 permissions.
  3. Reviewed Server Logs:
    • No specific errors found related to the "403 Forbidden" error.
  4. SSL Configuration:
    • SSL certificate (ZeroSSL) is active.
    • TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are enabled, and older protocols are disabled.
  5. .htaccess File Configuration:
    • Created a new .htaccess file with basic rules to force HTTPS and handle index files.
Current .htaccess Content:
apacheCopy code
# BEGIN Basic .htaccess

# Force HTTPS
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

# Handle index files
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

# Basic security headers
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
Header always set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
Header always set X-Frame-Options "DENY"

# END Basic .htaccess

Despite these steps, I'm still facing the "403 Forbidden" error and Canva shows the root A record as "Pending".


I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions on what might be causing these issues and how to resolve them. Specifically:

  • How can I fix the "403 Forbidden" error?
  • Why might Canva still show the A record for @ as "Pending"?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
