I’m a little annoyed, so many of my friends judge and question why I draw for 6 hours a day they keep going “that’s too much you’ll burn yourself out” but I’m passionate about it and I’m trying to master the fundamentals so I need to spend hours doing the “boring” stuff y’know. Anyways I draw 6 hours a day as well as working full time, I draw 3 hours before work and 3 hours after work. The reason I’m annoyed is, why is it so accepted in society to work 40+ hours a week but it’s looked down upon to do your hobby for the same amount of time?? So it’s normal that I have to work constantly and feel exhausted and drained from work but I get judged for doing a hobby that if anything re energizes me and makes me feel better about life?? lmaooo it just feels so messed up and backwards and I wanna know if there’s anyone else like me that spends this much time doing their hobby