The most common historical setting I've read is Regency but I have seen books that are a World War 2 setting that would also be considered historical, but what about after that?

I've read a novella that was set in the 50s where the FMC is a Soviet Union travelling performer. I would think this would still be considered historical especially with it having to deal with issues related to that time period. Also, it's not too long after WW2 so if WW2 stuff is considered historical then I figure this would too.

Then there's a book that spins off this novella where the FMC is the daughter of the couple from the novella. Hence it takes place in late 70s or early 80s (don't completely remember which). I haven't read this book but I know it involves a sport aspect of trying to go to the Olympics and dealing with how at the time the U.S. required Olympians to have to be amateurs i.e. no sponsorships. The series also involves the Olympics held in the Soviet Union and issues surrounding that.

So is early 80s considered historical? Would later like the 90s or 2000s be considered historical? Would it be more likely to be considered historical if it was dealing with specific historical events happening in that time period?

I stumbled upon this subreddit and just had this question come to mind.