Sorry, Kenny stans, your glory days are over. I'm not sure who thought this subreddit was a place to dump screenshots from r/Drizzy, but you've all proved that you have absolutely no clue how to be funny.

If I may ask, what the fuck is this?  First of all, you're harassing a user (I've shut the sub down before when you teenagers couldn't stop doing this). Second, where's the jerk?

We've let this go on way too long. From now on, this subreddit is a safe space to praise the GOAT Aubrey Graham, who bravely called out a wife beater with tiny feet and received nothing but scorn for his heroism.

Any Kendr*ck fans, power users (lol) of his subreddits, people who deny that all Drake albums are classics, etc. are hereby subject to permabans.

And with the utmost seriousness, if you post screenshots from r/Drizzy we will permaban you and everyone who loves you because that's not the point of this subreddit. All hail the 6 GOD 💜