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Resource List for Learning Hindiइतिहास व संस्कृति (History & Culture)


Do you want to learn Hindi but don't know where to start? Then I've got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.

  1. "Handmade" resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
  2. Resources on learning the script.
  3. Websites to practice reading the script.
  4. Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
  5. Notes on Colloquial Hindi.
  6. Music playlists
  7. List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of Hindi grammar!


Pinnedby Snoo_10182
What was your most embarrassing mistake when speaking Hindi?विनती

There are several words i can't speak / pronounce in Hindi. The number 14, chaudah, becomes 'f*ck' when pronounced wrong. Holidays, chhuttiyaan, becomes vaginas and so on. Making me quite hesitant speak

Book Suggestionsदेवनागरी

Hi, I am trying to improve my Hindi vocabulary and grammar. I need essay-book suggestions of prominent author that are as informed as they are good. I liked the works of Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi and Bhartendu Harishchandra. Are there any other authors I can read?

Edit: I am not a beginner, and I'm fairly decent in colloquial understanding. I had Hindi till 10th grade, but left it for far too long. I am just not comfortable in it anymore. Pls suggest advanced books in the lexicon (hence the mention of the two authors)

What is the best way to learn Hindi in a month?विनती

I will be traveling to India (Mumbai) from the US for the first time in a little over a month from now. I will be visiting my girlfriend there who speaks English, so I don’t expect or need to be fluent, but I want to at least be able to communicate with her family and other locals to some degree and at least be able to understand what people are saying. What would be the best way to get to that point, if possible, before I get there? Is there some kind of website that helps you learn faster, or would that just be a waste of time and money?

हिन्दी सब्रेडिट्स की सूची कहाँ मिल सकती है? विनती

मैं रेड्डिट पे हिन्दी वाली सभी सब्रेडिट्स ढूँढना चाहता हूँ। इसका सबसे आसान तरीक़ा क्या है?

What's the origin of the word Chhagan in Hindi?इतिहास व संस्कृति

I googled the meaning of this word and it describes it as "Boy" or "Baby" It's even used as a name.

Yet when I look up the same word in Pali or Sanskrit, it means cow dung or human excrement. The Hindi meaning of this word must have arrived from somewhere else. I am curious to know where. Now some might believe it might be a word of foreign influence through Central Asia but closest word is Khagan which is sometimes indeed called as Chagan. However the meaning of that is emperor.

If someone could help me I would appreciate.


I found these देवनागरी characters and I'm not sure what they do

ॶ, ॷ, ॸ, ॺ, ॻ, ॼ, ॽ, ॾ, ॿ, ऍ, ऱ, ॳ, ॴ, ॵ

I know that ॶ, ॷ, ॳ, ॴ, ॵ do something in Kashmiri, and I'm also wondering if anyone knows if these sounds are native to the languages they serve, and for example in Kashmiri's case, that they haven't been introduced by other languages such as Persian and Arabic because of Islam

I also found three characters in the attached file I'm confused about


I also found these matras

ा ऺ ॕ

And these other random symbols

॑ ॒ ॓ ॔ ॱ

Voluntary "or" removal and a lack of a tadbhava "or" in Khariboli?विनती

Khariboli, or standard Hindi doesn't have a tadbhava word for "or". It's either the Sanskrit derivatives "अथवा", "वा"; or Perso-Arabic "व", "या".

Couple this with the fact that sometimes Hindi speakers don't even speak the word "or" in some sentences/context, like:-

  1. तू चाय लेगा या कॉफी? -> तू चाय लेगा कॉफी?

  2. पता नहीं नौकरी लगेगी या नहीं ना लगेगी। -> पता नहीं नौकरी लगेगी नहीं लगेगी।

Are these two traits of Hindi interrelated?

Help me translate phrases from the movie Dangal?विनती

I'm trying to learn Hindi by translating movies, using their scripts as transcription guides. I've had good progress with ZNMD, and I just started Dangal.

Right off the bat, I'm struggling to parse the opening scene, where Aamir Khan (AK) is trying to watch the Olympics on TV but is getting static, and a guy (P2) is on the roof trying to get the TV antenna to connect. The bolded lines are the ones I need help with.

AK: Reh theek tar ghumaveh na
P2: ab?
AK: aa gya
P2: niche aa jao?
AK: na, pakad keh khadiya reh

Google translate is obviously useless - can you help me translate these? As directly as possible, word-for-word would be helpful.

Is it possible to learn Hindi just from moviesविनती

People often tell me to just watch more Bollywood and I will pick up Hindi but Western science and studies say that's now how it works,

Has anyone personally learned Hindi this way?

How to translate this relative clause within another?विनती

The easier version of this sentence is "he doesn't believe what he himself says".

The harder version is "a grifter is someone who doesn't believe what he himself says".

Would the first be "उन्होंने जो कहता है उस पर विश्वास नहीं करता है"? In a context where you have been talking about many people, does this make clear that the "saying" and "not believing" is by the same person?

Would the second be "चालबाज़ एक ऐसा इंसान है जिन्होंने जो कहता है उस पर विशवास नहीं करता है"? Is that the way to mix two relative clauses?

Language query विनती

हिंदी में बीते हुए कल (yesterday) और आने वाले कल (tommorow) दोनो के लिए ही कल शब्द का प्रयोग होता है, तो हमे पता कैसे लगेगा कि सामने वाला व्यक्ति किस कल की बात कर रहा है?

क्या ये बातचीत के दौरान ही समझ लिया जाता है या कोई दूसरा शब्द का भी प्रयोग किया जा सकता है?

Anyone interested in meeting in person? विनती

नमस्कार सभी को।

Mai फिल्हाल कोटा, राजस्थान में हूँ। और हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य में interested लोगों से मिलने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ।

अगर ग्रुप मे कोई भी मिलकर भाषा एवं साहित्य के बारे मे बात krna चाहता है। मुझे मेसेज कर सकते हैं।

In english : I am presently in Kota, Rajasthan due to wfh, and really interestedin meeting people in person to discuss literature, language, poetry nd philosophy . If anyone else is from around here, do ping me please.

What are some of the worst insults in Hindi? nsfwविनती

I am doing this for research and awareness project - what are some of the worst insults in Hindi like racial ones ( Chitta/Kala Bander ) for example ?

grammar resources requestस्वरचित

Hello. I am a bit embarrased to say but as an Indian who moved to an English speaking country, my command over the language is not good at all. I'm able to understand normal conversation (although I've recently been watching the TV series Panchayat and I keep learning new words from there) and my accent is okay, but my grammar is not good at all. I never formally learnt the grammar and I've never been corrected by people when speaking in Hindi. I frequently make gramatical mistakes but the problem is I don't know how to fix them because I don't properly know the rules. Is there a proper book or document detailing the rules that I could read? I struggle especially with verbs and gender agreement. Thank you very much.