It seems like the developers couldn't care less about console. I've been trying to play this game since it came to console and if it's not the audio bug then it's "connection lost" after 30 seconds in game. It's ridiculous. I get it's not easy making a pc game convert to console but why even release if it's going to be this bad? I've never wanted to love a game so bad with so much disappointment. If there's any devs in here I genuinely want a response, how and why do you let the game SUCK SO BADLY? It is such a good game with so much potential, why are we adding new game modes and cosmetics for a game thay doesn't even work in the first place?

Edit: I feel this post was mildly aggressive, and I don't want anyone thinking I'm a thoughtless prick. I genuinely love this game and just want to be able to play it. It's a great game with very few issues aside from the technical ones, but those are dealbreakers. It's hard to like a game that 70% of the time just plain doesn't work.