When you finish reading Sorcerer’s Stone you see that Harry thinks that his encounter with Voldemort was planned by Dumbledore. It seems plausible due to many reasons that I don’t want to discuss here because that’s not the point of my question.

It is said in the book that Hagrid, Sprout, Snape, Flitwick, McGonagall, and Quirell helped to defend the stone apart from Dumbledore. But all of their charms were weak enough for first-years to pass, because the real protection was Dumbledore’s mirror. So Dumbledore must have told the professors to come up with something that would be doable for first-years? And they never questioned why? And never suspected that it is connected with gone (but not really) Voldemort? Or all of the challenges on the path to the stone were created by Dumbledore? Although it doesn’t quite make sense knowing Hagrid’s and McGonagall’s words in the book.

Other than that… Snape’s whole mission was to protect Harry to redeem himself after what happened to Lily. And he did know that Quirell was up to no good. And he also must have worked out that the “defence” that he and other professors (except Dumbledore, but I don’t think he told the others about his mirror, otherwise Quirell would have known what to do) created was first-year level and that suggests that newcoming first-years would be able to pass it. And among them was Harry Potter. Pretty easy to connect the dots and suspect that Dumbledore had his unique vision of the Sorcerer’s stone situation. McGonagall should have suspected some Harry related plan too, although she might not have suspected Quirell.

So what Dumbledore did to convince the professors that everything was under control? He told them that Harry should face Voldemort and it won’t be lethal? But then he would have to tell that Quirell was Voldemort’s body and we can’t tell if Dumbledore knew that from the very beginning of the book. Or the professors were really that blind to not care about the fact that the only thing that was really protecting the stone was Dumbledore’s charm? And Snape and Minerva didn’t care the slightest when they clearly saw the trio getting closer and closer to the secret? Maybe Dumbledore forbid them to?